Protesting Lucifer, the Eternal Loser
Nov 03, 2015 / Written by: Ben Broussard
“Proud Lucifer next to the Christmas Crib — NO thanks!”
These words of protest gained national attention. All eyes turned to Old Town Spring in Texas. Locals and visitors alike voiced their outrage. The ‘Greater Church of Lucifer’ was to open its doors in the middle of this busy shopping area.
Their goal? To make the occult and Luciferianism more acceptable. In an area known to be frequented by families for Christmas shopping, a ‘church’ was to open promoting devotion to the Father of Lies.
As word spread that the opening day coincided with the end of October, America Needs Fatima volunteers sprang into action. More than 21,500 people signed an online petition asking the intervention of Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other officials.
“God Yes! Satan No!” “We reject Satan and his works.” “Mary Queen of Angels, Crush Lucifer’s Head!” No one could miss these messages.
Dozens of signs were held by young and old alike. Catholics came together from near and far to oppose the public acceptance of the infernal enemy.
Standing For Christ or Against Him
Friday, October 30, 2015, the opening day for the ‘Greater Church of Lucifer,’ great numbers of Ten Commandment Americans came to oppose this satanic foothold in the community. At noon, two dozen gathered to pray the rosary in reparation. A woman walked out from a palm-reading and aromatherapy business and began circling the protesters with incense. A Catholic woman came right behind her sprinkling water from Lourdes. The two of them engaged in an argument, after which the woman with the incense left. The rosary continued, followed by singing of the hymn We Want God.
Three sisters who grew up in Spring, TX came from different parts of the country to oppose the Luciferian ‘church.’ Intending to purchase some fabric from a local shop, the eldest was outraged to learn the proprietors supported the occultists. “I will no longer buy any fabric from there. Never again!” she shouted. Reactions from business owners left no middle ground: ardent supporters of the protesters, or ardent supporters of the Luciferians.

At 5pm, over 120 gathered for the protest organized by America Needs Fatima. TFP members in ceremonial habit processed with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Mr. Thomas Drake of TFP-Louisiana exhorted the crowd of God-fearing Americans to echo St. Michael’s battlecry, “Who is like unto God?” A protestant tried to interrupt the protest, shouting loudly. The faithful Catholics gathered there effectively drowned him out. Prayer of the Most Holy Rosary, Mary’s great weapon against the power of hell, was interspersed with hymns accompanied by the bagpipes.
Passing motorists were forced to take a position in favor or against the protest. Many stopped to take photos, others to give a thumbs up, still others shouting profanities. The faithful Catholics prayed all the more fervently, kneeling on the pavement to pray the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. All then processed behind the statue of Our Lady of Fatima singing ‘Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above.’

A Coordinated Effort
The opening of the ‘Greater Church of Lucifer’ in Spring, TX is the latest in a series of events aimed at promoting Satanism and the occult in America. Harvard University was to host a black mass on campus in May 2014, though they cancelled due to protests and stiff resistance. In September 2014, the Oklahoma City Civic Center hosted a satanic black mass on public property despite widespread opposition. In Lake Worth, Florida, a man opened the city council meeting in December 2014 with a prayer to Satan, followed by similar attempts in other parts of the country.
In July 2015, the Satanic Temple revealed the 9-foot tall statue of Baphomet, a symbol of Satan, in the city of Detroit. The same group is pushing for the erection of similar statues on state capitol grounds in Oklahoma and Arkansas. The move is openly stated to be a direct counter to monuments honoring the Ten Commandments.
By the grace of Our Lady, America Needs Fatima has opposed all of these efforts at every step. The coordinated effort organizing Americans of good will to strongly oppose these latest attempts to honor Satan is gaining momentum. Online protests and manifestations on the ground show that Americans are willing to defend God’s honor.

Often the argument of ‘coexistence’ rears its ugly head. It is only logical, though, that good and evil cannot coexist. At the beginning of time, Lucifer in his arrogant pride was banished because Saint Michael rose up to boldly defend God’s honor. Far from dialoguing or coexisting, the Prince of the Heavenly Armies forcefully and emphatically expelled the evil one.
As followers of Satanism openly push for public acceptance, faithful Catholics should take Saint Michael’s example and make no compromises with evil. Our words and efforts should echo those of Christ Himself:
"Be gone, Satan: the Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and Him alone shalt thou serve!" Matthew 4:10
In these days when the whole world is choosing to be for Christ or against Him, Americans should boldly acclaim that now and forever our land is one nation under God.