Saints & Heroes
August 19: Saint John Eudes was born to devout parents who consecrated him to the Holy Virgin. He grew up to be an eloquent preacher and a holy priest.
August 21: With the laser-like quality of a saint, Pope Saint Pius X condemned and combated the wiles of the modernist heresy.
August 24: Bartholomew is commonly identified with Nathaniel, whose approach Our Lord greeted with the exclamation: “Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile.”
August 25: Saint Louis IX of France, crusader king, fearless warrior, morally outstanding monarch, stalwart in masculine virtue, and a heroic saint.
August 26: After the death of her father, St. Elizabeth dedicated herself to rebuilding her parish community left in chaos by of the violent persecution of the French Revolution.
August 29: Saint John the Baptist was arrested for condemning Herod's "marriage" to his brother's wife. He was eventually martyred for standing up for the truth.
August 30: Saint Margaret Ward helped a priest escape prison. She was caught and executed by English Protestants.
June 26: Until his death in 1178 at the age of seventy-two, Anthelm fearlessly reprimanded the clergy for their fallen standards concerning priestly celibacy and labored tirelessly and uncompromisingly for the reform of the clergy.
June 27: St. Cyril, Priest, Bishop, Patriarch of Alexandria, and Doctor of the Church, defended the Catholic Faith against heretical movements.
July 18: Camillus de Lellis, former wandering soldier and professional gambler, established the Clerks Regular, Ministers of the Sick. His group was approved by Pope Sixtus V in 1586, and officially raised to the status of a mendicant order by Gregory XV in 1591.
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