Our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Our Catholic Faith
The Transfiguration of Our Lord
August 6th is the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the date of the dedication of the first church built on Mount Tabor, which is traditionally considered to be the “high mountain” of the Transfiguration.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
Sr. Josefa Menéndez
From all outward appearances, there was nothing special about Josefa Menéndez. Certainly she showed no signs that she was in any way fitted for so high a mission as to bring forth a message of Jesus to the world.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Miracles, Family, Our Catholic Faith
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
On December 25 the Church celebrates the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Most Holy Trinity made man, Who took His flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit.