Saints & Heroes
November 21: Maria Franciszka Siedliska, also known by her religious name Maria of Jesus the Good Shepherd, was a Polish Roman Catholic, professed religious and the founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
November 9: The earliest source of information about St. Theodore comes from Gregory of Nyssa who preached in honor of the Saint in his sanctuary in the late 4th century.
November 2: The little known of Saint Victoinus' life is provided by the great Saint Jerome. He was born in Greece in the mid-third century and spoke Greek better than Latin.
November 1: Most of what is known about St. Austremonius is deduced from a few brief sentences in the writings of St. Gregory of Tours.
October 7: Saint Justina of Padua was a virgin of noble birth. Born in Padua about the middle of the first century, her father was a rich nobleman and Prefect of Padua.
October 2: Leodegar, the son of a high-ranking Burgundian nobleman, spent his childhood in Paris at the palace of his maternal uncle, who was the Bishop of Poitiers.
September 15: Saint Nicomedes was a Roman Catholic priest who was arrested for helping martyrs and for giving them Christian burial.
February 11: Born in 747 to a family of noble decent, Benedict of Aniane was originally known as Witiza, or the Second Benedict.
September 14: Gabriel Taurin Dufresse, of Lezoux, France, was ordained a priest of the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris at the age of twenty-four.
September 12: Saint Guy was born in 950 and died in 1012. He is the patron saint of Anderlecht, Belgium; against mad dogs; against rabies; bachelors; epileptics; horned animals; laborers; protection of outbuildings, stables, and sheds; sacristans; work horses.
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