Society & Culture
The world does not live for God or for life eternal, but for itself. Closed off in its naturalist egoism, it divinizes the present, the passing moment.
Saints & Heroes
As we remember the birth of St. Jacinta Marto on March 11, 1910, we take a glimpse into the personality and spirituality of the youngest Fatima ever.
Every society produces art that reflects its values, morals and beliefs that are reinforced and passed on from one generation to another by the art they produce.
This is an explanation of the virtues of St. Gemma Galgani, a good example for all of us to follow so that we too may grow in holiness.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary, Educational, Our Catholic Faith
The Hail Mary, considered the Angelic Salutation, is explained in more detail here by St Louis de Montfort and Blessed Alan de la Roche.
Our Blessed Mother Mary
Although we receive the necessary graces for our salvation, we still need special graces to persevere. Our Lady can help us with this... and here are 5 reasons why we need Her.
This is taken from an informal lecture Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira gave on April 15, 1966. It has been translated and adapted for publication without his revision.
Is there some definable element that tells us that an ugly piece is ugly? Is there an obvious line or shape or combination of lines and shapes that screams, “ugly!”
Society & Culture, Defending the Faith, Educational
Ten reasons why we must protect the family, private property and America from the dangers of socialism.
The Holy Rosary, Defending the Faith, Educational
Have you ever felt that God is ignoring your prayers? God will not grant exactly what we ask but will give us something even better.
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