Society & Culture, Educational
Has Shoplifting Becoming America’s Favorite Profession?
There was a time in American history that people would spend time working in a lawful profession, spend time with their families and help the community. Few, outside of criminals, saw stealing as a possible or normal livelihood.
Society & Culture, Educational
Is China’s Military a Paper Tiger Like Russia’s?
China has the world’s largest standing army and navy, and an impressive air force. However, it suffers from one fatal weakness—it too is full of bravado. If Xi Jinping and his advisors decide to invade Taiwan, China may prove to be a paper tiger like Russia.
Society & Culture, Educational
The Real Reason Americans Do Not Have Friends
Sadly, many Americans have been deformed by a Hollywood idea of friendship as portrayed in movies. In addition, the Internet and social media also depict friendship as a casual acquaintance with others. The expression Facebook friend denotes a superficial friendship activated by a click.
Society & Culture, Educational
Youth Apathy Is Communist China’s Achilles Heel
Many overworked millennial and Gen-Z Chinese see the frantic pace of their lives as hopeless and see laying down (Tang Ping) as a new form of protest. These new generations no longer want to be money-making machines for the Communist regime.
Society & Culture, Educational
President Biden’s “Conservation Plan” Is an Assault Against Private Property
In a move that would please the likes of Marx, Castro, Mao and Hugo Chavez, President Joe Biden issued executive order #14008 titled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.” This order calls for appropriating 30 percent of all land and water in the U.S. for permanent conservation.
Society & Culture, Educational
Why Did China Produce a ‘Transgendered’ Male Rat to Give Birth?
In China, medical researchers from the Naval Medical University in Shanghai have conducted a mad experiment. They conjoined a female and male rat together, transplanted a womb into the male, who was made to give birth.