Same-Sex “Marriage” Leads to Polygamy

Sep 03, 2012 / Written by: Gary Isbell

For years, traditional marriage advocates have warned that same-sex “marriage” is just one more step down the slippery slope that will allow every conceivable aberration to follow. Once marriage is reduced to a relationship and not a stable union for the procreation and education of children, any relationship can be called marriage or a union. This is exactly what just happened in Brazil.

Two women and a man have recently entered into a civil partnership recognized by civil authorities in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This is not just an isolated case. Some opponents of traditional marriage are quick to claim it is part of their agenda.

The Brazilian Family Institute actively works for the destruction of traditional marriage by openly supporting both polygamous and same-sex unions and they welcomed this decision. One wonder’s why the word family is used in their name at all, perhaps the Anything Goes Institute would be more fitting. They state “We have to respect the private nature of relationships and learn to live in this pluralistic society recognizing different desires,” said the group’s vice-president.1 For them, marriage is reduced to different desires with no respect for moral or natural law. In modern parlance they say, if it feels good, do it.

Those who support same-sex marriage, and other aberrations like that of Brazil, use emotional arguments to support their position. They claim they have stable relationships, long-term commitments or the love that makes a family. These clever phrases are not defined nor do they address the root of the problem. Granted, stable relationships, long-term commitments and love are all necessary elements needed to provide for the proper environment in which to rear children. However, these immoral unions are not capable of providing all of this durably.

Hoping to dispel the myth that homosexuals lacked the stability and commitment capable of producing long-term relationships, Northern Illinois University homosexual professor Dr. Joseph Harry surveyed homosexuals and their relationships. His survey showed that 66% of homosexuals had sex with other men within the first year of their relationship. He also found that 90% of homosexuals in a relationship longer than five years had sex other partners. He even wrote “for gay men, sex outside the primary relationship is ubiquitous even during the first year.” Gay Couples,
New York, Praeger Books, 1984
Page: 116

Instead of showing that they are stable and committed, he clearly demonstrated the opposite. This should come as no surprise when a relationship is not based on the love of God but erotic sentimentality, it cannot endure whether it be homosexual or heterosexual.

The word love is bantered about ad nauseum, without a proper understanding as to what it means and is used in a sophistic fashion. A sophism is frequently based on the dual meanings of a word, and love is one that is commonly misused. By one definition, love means to have an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another; charity. A second, means to have a strong affection for another arising out of kinship, personal ties or an attraction based on sexual desire; passion. A person can love another according to one definition but not the other. While they are not mutually exclusive, they do not necessarily occur simultaneously in a relationship.

Using this confused notion of love and a redefinition of marriage, it will not be surprising to see triple-party civil unions, larger unions or perhaps even tribal unions. The slippery slope only goes downward. Once marriage has been redefined, it follows that it will continue to be redefined to be anything anyone wants. So it comes as no shock to hear that Joseph Guiso “married” his dog in Toowoomba, Australia in December 2010.

If society does not wake up soon, one can only ask, where will future generations of our children be raised; in caves and by whom?
