A Pilgrimage to Santa Maria Maggiore
Jan 10, 2025 / Written by: Adrian Fonseca
Delivering America's Intentions to the "Bethlehem of the West"
On January 9th, 2025, I had the privilege of carrying the prayers and intentions of America Needs Fatima supporters to one of Rome's most sacred Marian sanctuaries - the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, often called the "Bethlehem of the West."
A Pilgrim's Welcome
Through Divine Providence, we were blessed with the guidance of Mr. Miguel Angel Gutierrez of the TFP, whose knowledge and hospitality proved invaluable throughout our Roman pilgrimage. While weather forecasts had predicted rain and cold, Our Lady intervened with perfect weather each day - though She would ensure we did not make this pilgrimage without some offering of suffering.

The Path of Sacrifice
Indeed, on our approach to the basilica, I experienced a rather serious fall, tearing my clothing and sustaining bruises and scrapes to my elbow, side, and knee. As any seasoned pilgrim knows, no true pilgrimage is complete without some sacrificial suffering to offer up for its intentions. Thus, I entered this magnificent house of Our Lady as a properly battle-worn pilgrim, carrying not only the physical wounds but also the precious spiritual cargo of countless prayer intentions from the faithful across America.
At the Throne of Our Lady
Inside this ancient basilica that has watched over Rome for 16 centuries, I presented your intentions at several spots. First, before the main altar, the very architecture speaks of Mary's maternal majesty.
Then, in a moment of particular grace, before the Holy Crib - those precious pieces of wood that once cradled our infant Savior.
Finally, I had the privilege of praying before the venerable icon of Salus Populi Romani (Protectress of the Roman People), one of Rome's most beloved Marian images. This ancient icon belongs to a type called "Hodegetria" meaning "Guide of the Way," where Mary is depicted as the one who guides people to Christ. In this beautiful representation, Mary's right-hand crosses over her left in a gentle embrace of the Child Jesus, who rests weightlessly on her arm while blessing the people she gazes upon. The image has been associated with numerous miracles throughout Rome's history.

For each of these over 100 intentions, I offered the Holy Rosary and the Memorare, joining my prayers to the countless supplications that have risen from this sacred space over the centuries. Standing in this basilica, whose very location was marked by Our Lady with miraculous summer snow, one cannot help but feel the special peace that emanates from these holy relics, particularly from the Crib of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The history of Santa Maria Maggiore itself testifies to Our Lady's special favor. In the heat of August 352 AD, the Blessed Virgin appeared in a dream to Pope Liberius and a wealthy patrician named Giovanni, requesting a church be built in her honor. The exact location would be marked by snow—an impossibility in Roman summer. Yet on August 5th, snow fell on Esquiline Hill, outlining the precise dimensions of what would become this magnificent basilica.
A Broader Pilgrimage
While Santa Maria Maggiore was the focal point for delivering ANF intentions, our journey encompassed many other sacred sites in Rome and Assisi, including all four major papal basilicas. At each holy place, I remembered these intentions and all who asked my prayers.

Our Lady's Continuing Protection
This pilgrimage serves as a reminder that Our Lady continues to watch over her children with tender care, orchestrating even the smallest details - from perfect weather despite contrary forecasts to the provision of knowledgeable guides to the opportunities for true sacrifice. Through it all, she ensures that the prayers of her children are heard.