Rallies for Traditional Marriage: March 2015
May 21, 2015 / Written by: Francis Slobodnik
On Saturday, March 21st, 2015 at noon, 2,125 public square rosary rallies were held in defense of traditional marriage.

Our goal was 1,000 rallies. We knew that it would be a more difficult crusade than the October rallies due to the intense national debate about the nature of what constitutes true marriage.
As Catholics we know without any doubt that marriage can only occur between one man and one woman, period. We know that despite what men or men’s laws state to the contrary, marriage always has been and always will be between one man and one woman.
The response to our requests for rally captains to lead public square rosaries in defense of traditional marriage and in honor of St. Joseph, chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary was overwhelming.
Rally captains were enlisted by mail, email, telephone message and by phone. Two volunteers traveled to our volunteer office per week from January until the rallies took place. They called every day Monday through Friday recruiting rally captains. Volunteers told us that they couldn’t believe how easy it was to recruit rally captains. A common statement made by those whom the volunteers called was, “ I’ve been waiting for your call.”

The responses from rally captains after the rallies have been incredibly positive. The media has fed American public opinion the lie that most people support same-sex marriage. The experiences of the rally captains were the exact opposite. In most cases they received only a few negative comments and gestures. The overwhelming majority of responses were honks, thumbs up, waves and smiles.
As one of our volunteers has commented, “it is so easy to do so much for Our Lady.” Imagine the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have received new strength and encouragement because of the rosary rallies that took place on March 21st in cities, towns and rural locations.
Here are some of the responses we have received so far:

“Just wanted to thank all of you who were able to come out and support Traditional Marriage in the Public Square with your prayers and sacrificial witness for one of the most important issues of this day. We had a little over 25 that attended our location. We were all pleased with the overwhelmingly positive response from those driving by. Thanks to each and every one of you for the sacrificial gift of your time and effort. When the younger generations ask, "Where were you when they changed the definition of marriage?"....you can say, "I was on the Front Lines!" God bless you!!!
“We held our rally in the same location as last year; on the knoll in front of the diner on the corner of Highway 30 and Kenneth Ave. The girls counted over 450 honks, and a majority of those who did not honk waved, or gave a thumb’s up.”

“384 honks, multiple thumbs up, multiple waves and a multitude of smiles. Only seven negatives, two verbal and five by hand gesture. The anti-traditional marriage crowd was definitely put on the defensive on Saturday and so many were encouraged in their support of traditional marriage.”
“We had 10! A father and 5 of his kids, my son, and 2 of his boys and myself. I have to confess that I was, at first, disappointed that there weren't more...(I put a notice in the Church Bulletin and really tried to get the word out!)......but quality is more important than quantity sometimes!!! AND God loves children's prayers!!! Anyway, I'll be eagerly waiting for October!!!”

“As in the past, we chose a location near the primary “shopping mecca”area. This enabled us to reach a wide variety of people while being situated at just one strategic location. Passersby were, for the most part, extremely supportive, more so than in the past. There were very few negative responses. We had 60 - 70 people attend this year which is a substantial increase from previous years. We were particularly blessed to have a priest join us this year. In addition, we also had several members of the Knights of Columbus who were able to participate as well, dressed in their full regalia. Finally, the proprietor of the local Catholic Shop was able to provide a nearly life-sized statue of St. Joseph holding the baby Jesus. All of this added a “regal air” to the Crusade this year.”

“We had a good turnout today and the weather was pretty nice. It was really interesting because we had people who were really nasty, but on the flip side of that, we actually had people who were really happy we were out there (they acted VERY excited) and yelled, "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK"!!! and many people honking half-way down the road. We noticed that when one person was making lude gestures, it was always at that time when at least 5 or more cars would honk in favor of Traditional Marriage.”
“We had 45 people at our "Our America Needs Fatima Marriage Rally" this past Saturday that I promoted and helped run with coordinators, Lisa and Carol - including a "Family with 8 children" and another "Family with 7". (Both, Lisa and I come from a "Family of 8")...It's all about The Family.”
“This past Saturday, 3/21/15, the annual " St. Joseph ' s Marriage Rally" was held (in cities coast-to-coast, as sponsored by the organization "America Needs Fatima"), and thankfully, there were 2 people in the greater Columbus area that fully believe in the Sacrament of Marriage, and hence participated, yours truly, and a good friend.”

In the coming weeks we will receive many reports of rallies, large and small, but all a success in the eyes of Our Lady. These rallies will help hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for America.
We hope that if you are concerned about America and the direction in which she is heading, that you will enlist as a rally captain for the October 10th Public Square Rosary Rallies. The fate of America is truly in our hands. Our Lady will act when enough of us show Her that we are willing to publicly and enthusiastically pray to Her for America and to offer our public penance of confronting public opinion by praying the most powerful Holy Rosary in the public squares of our country.
To enlist: Call (866) 584 – 6012 or email us at: [email protected]