Defending The Faith

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Society & Culture, Defending the Faith
Massive Sacred Heart Billboard Campaign...
America Needs Fatima is promoting a nationwide billboard campaign to proclaim June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The effort highlights the Kingship of Christ during a month now widely hijacked by LGBTQ activists.

Defending the Faith, Educational, Our Catholic Faith
On the Eve of the Synod, Five Cardinals Release New Set of Dubia to Pope Francis: "We are Concerned"
October 2, 2023 – On the eve of the Synod on Synodality in Rome, five Cardinals have released a notification to Christ’s Faithful of a new set of dubia to express their concerns about matters of doctrine and discipline that are causing confusion and perplexity.

Society & Culture, Defending the Faith
Protest against blasphemous and R-rated ‘Circus’
America Needs Fatima supporters recently held a rally of reparation and protest in Topeka, Kansas. The target was a strange traveling event called “Paranormal Cirque.” Local news stations favorably covered the July 7-9 event like a normal circus.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Society & Culture, Defending the Faith, Living the Christian Life
Powerful Public Stand in June
Americans are increasingly offended when the homosexual agenda is imposed on them. In June faithful Catholics led over a thousand Rosary Rallies of reparation for the sin of “pride” in the month of the Sacred Heart.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Society & Culture, Defending the Faith
Supernatural Forces Clash at Dodger Stadium
On June 16, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, between two and three thousand Catholics united outside of Dodger Stadium to protest and make reparation for the blasphemous actions of the “drag nuns.”