Saints & Heroes
March 7: Saints Perpetua and Felicita were Holy Women and martyrs who gave their lives during the persecution under Roman Emperor Septimus Severus.
February 26: Saint Alexander of Alexandria became known for his zealous defense of the Catholic faith against the wicked priest Arius, founder of the Arian heresy.
February 19: Saint Boniface of Lausanne was a bishop who stood for justice and truth, even against the emperor and his thugs who beat and injured him.
February 27: When Saint Anne and her brother converted to Catholicism, they were disowned and disinherited by their Calvinist family.
March 8: Saint John of God dedicated his life to the care of the sick and poor. His work was later constituted into the Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of God.
February 20: Saint Wulfric lived alone for twenty-nine years, devoting his time to prayer, meditation, the study of the Scriptures and severe bodily mortification
February 28: Romanus lived as hermit under the protection of a large tree, and survived on the seed he had brought with him. He eventually started monasteries and nunneries with his siblings.
March 1: At St. David's death, it is said that St. Kentigern saw his soul being borne to Heaven by the angels. He was canonized in 1120 by Pope Callistus II.
March 10: Originally raised a Calvinist, Saint John Ogilvie converted to Catholicism, became a Jesuit, joined a perilous mission into Scotland, and was eventually martyred by Calvinists.
March 2: Although St. Chad was bishop two and a half years, his virtues left so deep an impression in the country that thirty-one churches were dedicated to his honor.
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