Saints & Heroes
April 10: Saint Fulbert is said to have been born in Italy of poor parents. He had a great devotion to Our Lady and composed many hymns in her honor.
April 13: Hermenegild was originally a prince who subscribed to the Arian heresy. He converted to Catholicism, and was persecuted and later martyred by his father the king.
April 13: Pope Saint Martin I rebuked the heretical Emperor of Constantinople. For this, he was slain and became a martyr.
April 14: It is said that during an eclipse, in the year 1177, Saint Bénézet heard a voice that said to him: "Bénézet, take your rod and go down to Avignon, the capital's waterfront: talk to people and tell them that we must build a bridge."
February 6: Saint Paul Miki was a Jesuit priest who continued St. Francis Xavier's work of evangelizing Japan. He and many others were brutally martyred for their Faith.
February 7: Saint Luke the Younger was so charitable in his young age that God blessed him, and his family’s crops flourished. He eventually became a hermit.
February 8: Jerome Emiliani was originally a proud military commander, not a man of God, but he changed his ways and became a pious man and a holy priest.
February 12: Saint Meletius of Antioch was a kind and gentle man, and a great lover of peace. He stood against the Arian heresy, for which he suffered exile.
February 13: When she was just twenty years old, Catherine began to experience ecstasies of the Passion. Every Thursday and Friday, she beheld and the scenes preceding Our Lord’s Crucifixion.
February 14: Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers, both missionaries who evangelized the Slavic peoples of Moravia and made possible the Slavic translation of the Bible.
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