Saints & Heroes
May 24: Saint Vincent of Lérins was considered a “a man pre-eminent in eloquence and learning." His written works helped the Church tackle many heretical interpretations of the Scriptures.
May 25: “I have loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore I die in exile” - Pope St. Gregory VII. This holy Pope is hailed as one of the greatest of the Church's pontiffs.
May 27: Saint Augustine of Canterbury was a monk from Rome who set out to re-evanglize England, which had been conquered by the Anglo-Saxons. He eventually became Bishop of England.
April 15: Saint Hunna was known to be so caring of the poor that she lent a hand in doing the washing for her neighbors in need. Because of this she was known as “the holy washerwoman”.
April 17: Saint Stephen Harding was an heir to a large estate. Desirous of seeking a more perfect way of Christian perfection, he forsook his inheritance and became a monk.
April 18: Saint Galdinus lived in a tumultuous time for the Church. Emperor Frederick Barbarossa plotted to control the papacy, and the Cathar heresy ran rampant.
April 19: Saint Alphege was Bishop of Canterbury during a turbulent time when Danish raiders plundered southwestern England.
April 21: Saint Anselm's great merit lay in his earnest and conscious effort of living according to what he learned from the study of divine truths.
April 22: As a child, Saint Theodore was so given to prayer that he would often give up a meal to spend time in church. At the young age of 18, he was ordained a priest.
April 24: Saint Fidelis was a preacher and confessor who from the beginning of his apostolic life fought heresy, especially in the form of Calvinism and Zwinglianism.
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