Saints & Heroes
June 1: Saint Íñigo of Oña brought unity and accord to communities and individuals who had long been at bitter variance, and he tamed men of violent passions.
June 8: Saint William of York was a Bishop who's ministry was perturbed by civil war and medieval English politics.
June 25: Saint William of Vercelli founded a very strict and austere rule for monasticism. If anyone tried to break this rule, storm clouds would appear in the sky.
June 9: It's been said that Ephrem prayed to Our Lord to “stop the flow of inspiration” because he could not work fast enough to pen all the poems and songs the Lord wanted him to write.
June 10: Saint Ithamar was the first Anglo-Saxon bishop in Britain. Many churches were named after him on account of his many miracles.
June 11: Though Barnabas was not one of the Twelve chosen by Our Lord, he is still considered an apostle. He died a martyr around the year 60 AD.
June 12: Saint Paula Frassinetti was born in Genoa, Italy into a Catholic family. At nineteen, she left home to live with her brother, who was a priest, to fulfill the call she felt toward a life of servitude to God.
May 1: If anyone ever glorified and dignified labor, St. Joseph did. Born a direct descendant of King David, he was of royal lineage, and thus a true claimant to the throne of Israel.
May 4: Saint Gothard of Hildesheim restored and built many churches, fostered education, and built a hospice for the sick in the outskirts of Hildesheim.
May 6: Saint Petronax rebuilt the monastery of Monte Cassino, originally founded by St. Benedict of Nursia, which was destroyed by invading barbarians.
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