Family Tip 4: An Alphabet of Gratitude is a a concrete formula to help you when you are feeling low and can brighten your day.
Family, Living the Christian Life
Family Tip 3: Communication is a learned skill and starts when children are young, here is some practical advice on helping your children learn how to communicate well with others.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Educational, Our Catholic Faith
Fr Thomas de Saint-Laurent, looks at the nine months that the soul of Mary had given form to her virginal body, and the hour her joyful birth.
The Fatima Message, Our Blessed Mother Mary, Defending the Faith, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
For twenty years, Fatima Custodians, Men consecrated to the Mother of God, have brought the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to tens of thousands of homes.
Family Tip 2: One family meal a day and 10 powerful reasons why family meal time is so important.
Family Tip 1: Advice on how to help your children to deal with peer pressure.
The Holy Rosary, Society & Culture, Defending the Faith, Living the Christian Life
Watch this pro-life video and then I invite you to join the ranks of the Rosary Rally Captains and America Needs Fatima’s public square rosary crusade this October.
Educational, Family, Living the Christian Life
How Pysanky Easter eggs can be a marvelous component of enjoyment and art in the sacred in our life.
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Our God is not a weak God. Our Father is not a wimpy Father. He is, rather, an awesome God, a strong God, a loving Father who creates, gives and bestows without measure.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
In the beautiful city of Lima, Peru, close to the Plaza de Armas, or Arms Square, is the Church of the Holy Rosary, more commonly called “of the Dominicans”.
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