Society & Culture

Society & Culture, Educational
China’s Economy in Decline as the World Looks for Secure Alternatives
Supply chain nightmares and soaring prices expected - Over the last three decades, China has ridden a wave of growth that expanded its manufacturing capacity, consumption appetite and global economic influence.

Society & Culture, Educational
Citizen Spies – Communist China’s Method of Control
In China, a vast network of informants serves as the regime’s most tyrannical tool for repression and control. It is widely known that the communist Chinese government closely monitors individuals deemed “potential threats.”

Society & Culture, Educational
Concerns of Spying by Chinese Cranes at Port in Virginia
Recently, the arrival of ZPMC ship-to-shore cranes at the Port of Virginia’s Norfolk International Terminals has sparked worries among U.S. defense officials. The Pentagon is scrutinizing approximately 30 Chinese cranes at the port, with an additional five expected for delivery next year.