Society & Culture, Defending the Faith
A March of Hope for the Defeat of Roe and a Bright Post-Abortion Future
Society & Culture, Defending the Faith, Living the Christian Life
Early November 2021, ANF mobilized supporters in Wisconsin, Chicago and Indiana to protest an After-School Satan Club that was taking place at Carmel High School, in Carmel, Indiana.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Society & Culture, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
May 2021 Candlelight Prayers and Multi-Colored Roses offering in Fatima, Portugal.
2021 Rose Delivery to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Mexico City. Over 20,000 roses were offered to Our Lady, including intentions from ANF supporters and friends.
The Holy Rosary, Society & Culture, Living the Christian Life
Roses in Fatima and Rosary Rallies across America in October 2020!
The Holy Rosary, Society & Culture, Defending the Faith
An ardent appeal asking God: "Through the Holy Rosary to Save America" on July 4th, 2013 at 6PM.
500,000 Pro-lifers March in the Nation's Capital in January 2020.
Holy enthusiasm seen at 3,118 Rosary Rallies for Traditional Marriage across America on March 23rd, 2019.
Watch 3 Videos on the 2019 March for Life in Washington DC.
On August 15th, the feast day of Our Lady’s Assumption into heaven, nearly 300 Catholics gathered in front of the Arkansas state capitol to take a stand against the devil and his nefarious works.
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