
The Fatima Message, Our Blessed Mother Mary, Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life
Fifty Years: Our Lady Weeps in New Orleans
The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima had been on pilgrimage for decades. She had touched millions of people around the world. Tears of love and repentance flowed from souls wherever she went.

Society & Culture, Defending the Faith, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio
February 10: Our young saint lived while the socialist government of Mexico was waging a bloody war against the Catholic Church, and fervent Catholics rose up to defend Christ the King.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
Sr. Josefa Menéndez
From all outward appearances, there was nothing special about Josefa Menéndez. Certainly she showed no signs that she was in any way fitted for so high a mission as to bring forth a message of Jesus to the world.