Saints & Heroes
February 14: Saint Valentine, priest and martyr, was slain by the Roman Emperor for spreading Our Lord's teaching on Holy Matrimony.
Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
September 29: Saint Raphael is first mentioned in Holy Scripture, where he hears the prayers of Tobit and Sarah and comes to their aid.
January 3: At the age of seven, Saint Geneviève was singled out from a crowd of her fellow inhabitants by St. Germain of Auxerre who foretold to her parents their child’s future sanctity.
Society & Culture, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
Nowhere on earth is Saint Michael’s presence more keenly felt than at Mont Saint Michel than on a marvelous island off the coast of Normand, France.
December 6: When Saint Nicholas was chosen bishop of his diocese, he became famous and beloved for his extraordinary piety, zeal and many astonishing miracles.
December 7: Saint Ambrose, Priest and Bishop, adopted a personal life of simplicity and hard work, devoted himself entirely to the service of his flock, fighting heresy and paganism.
December 11: Pope Damasus I, fought many heresies in his day. He was the first Pope to hold the title "Supreme Pontiff," which formerly belonged to the Roman Emperors.
December 17: Saint Sturmi was appointed the abbot of the monastery of Fulda, a place from which Germany could be effectively evangelized.
December 18: Saint Flannan is renowned for the eloquence and ardor of his preaching, and he also performed remarkable miracles.
December 19: St. Jerome wrote of Pope Anastasius that he was a distinguished man of blameless life and apostolic solicitude, a man of great holiness, rich in his poverty. Sts. Jerome, Augustine and Paulinus, were his friends and admirers.
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