Saints & Heroes
December 20: Saint Dominic de Silos was a great miracle worker, and it was said that there was no disease that he had not, at one time or another, cured.
December 21: Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church, spent his life helping people in Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia and Switzerland to hold firmly to their Catholic Faith and resist Protestantism.
November 29: From the time of his consecration as a bishop, Saint Radbod never ate meat, often fasted as long as three days and was renowned and loved for his kindness to the poor.
November 30: Saint Andrew the Apostle was martyred through crucifixion. For 2 days, he hung on his cross, and never stopped preaching the Gospel until his last breath.
December 1: At the age of 15, the future martyr was given a scholarship to St. John’s College, where he was known for his intellect and his sweet, yet fiery disposition.
December 22: Under the persecution of Emperor Decius, many were driven to flee into the desert where they suffered hunger, exposure, and died prey to either wild beasts, or at the hand of men.
December 2: After his ordination, Saint Chromatius took part in the synod against Arianism in 381. Later, as bishop, he rooted Arianism out of his diocese.
December 23: Saint John Kanti (or Cantius) lead a strict ascetic life. A number of miracles were attributed to him during his life and he died at the age of 83.
December 3: Saint Francis Xavier, one of the first members of the Jesuit Order, is the patron saint of all foreign missionary campaigns.
December 24: Saints Irmina and Adela were the two daughters of Frankish King St. Dagobert II, who embraced the religious life and founded convents.
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