Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes
December 9: Juan Diego was born in Cuautlitlán – today part of Mexico City – in the year 1474 and given the name "Cuauhtlatoatzin" or "Eagle that speaks".
Saints & Heroes
November 24: An exemplary pastor, Andrew was ardent and indefatigable in his preaching, often fasted, and drew many to the Faith by his simple and moral life.
November 26: At his father's behest, Saint Sylvester studied law, but he felt within himself a call to the ecclesiastical state, so he went to study theology and the Sacred Scriptures instead.
November 27: A true shepherd of souls, Saint Francis Fasani's apostolic zeal was firmly grounded on an intense and deep interior life. His life of prayer was fortified by mortification, severe penances, and long hours spent in Eucharistic adoration.
November 3: Saint Martin de Porres was a Dominican friar and an excellent surgeon who was known for his charitable work with the sick and for many miracles.
November 5: From an early age, Saint Bertilla felt drawn to God and resolved to renounce the world in pursuit of eternal truths. She was formed in the strictest practice of monastic perfection.
November 6: Saint Illtud, considered one of the greatest Welsh saints, was a distinguished warrior and knight who entered the monastic life.
November 7: Saint Willibrord, missionary to Frisia and Denmark, was nearly slain by pagans, risking his life for the conversion of souls.
November 8: Saint Godfrey, Bishop of Amiens, enforced his strict discipline and rigid austerity upon lax and wayward clergy under his authority.
Educational, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
November 1: The Solemnity of All Saints was instituted to honor all the saints, those known and the vast number of those unknown.
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