Saints & Heroes
August 27: Although St. Monica's parents were Christians, they gave her in marriage to a pagan who was a violent and immoral man, St. Augustine's father.
The Holy Rosary, Saints & Heroes
Vienna—A grave degeneration of faith and morals was already amply evident at the beginning of this troubled century.
Educational, Saints & Heroes
A lot has been written about the intriguing prophecy of the three days of darkness but one needs to sift through them carefully lest one succumbs to exaggerated and sensational ideas.
Society & Culture, Educational, Saints & Heroes
Gabriel Garcia Moreno was a good Catholic who fought against corruption in Equador, at first through journalism, later as a military leader and president.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
The beautiful story of Theophilus, a priest who sold his soul to the devil but was saved by the intercession of Our Lady.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Society & Culture, Educational, Saints & Heroes
Christopher Columbus, often slandered by modern critics, was a devout Catholic who sought to spread the Gospel in lands beyond Europe.
April 27: Saint Peter Armengol lived as a gangster, until apprehended by his own father. He repented and became a monk. He is known to have had familiar conversations with Our Lady, Queen of Angels, whom he loved dearly.
March 19: The Church gives St. Joseph the title "Terror of Demons" on account of his unshakeable faith, his perseverance, his admirable purity and his exceptional humility.
The incredible true story of Eva Lavalliere, known as the famous Parisian actress Eugénie Fenoglio, and her conversion to Catholicism.
Society & Culture, Defending the Faith, Saints & Heroes
The fascinating autobiography of Muhammad Moussaoui, who narrates his conversion from Islam to Catholicism.
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