Voice of Jesus - A meditation on avoiding every voluntary sin, otherwise you shall labor in vain, whatever efforts you make.
Voice of Jesus - A meditation on avoiding sin, and remembering that whatever may befall you, it will turn to your advantage.
Voice of Jesus - A meditation on Purifying thy heart, so that nothing will hinder you from being united to the Heart of Jesus.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Our Catholic Faith
Voice of Jesus - A meditation on the imitation of My Heart depends on the entire fulfillment of the Law.
Voice of Jesus - A Meditation on what is necessary for salvation: to imitate the Heart of Jesus.
Voice of Jesus - A mediation - That in the Heart of Jesus, our heart may find true rest, unalloyed felicity.
Voice of Jesus - A meditation - That no object in this world can set our heart truly at rest, or make it truly contented.
Voice of Jesus - A mediation on the admonitions useful for purifying the heart.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes
Prayer to Mary for your every day needs and petitions - a beautiful prayer written by Saint Bernard.
Do you need a short prayer to say during the Christmas season? Ask God to hear you prayers and grant your desires by saying this short prayer from November 30 to December 24.
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