Mail Box July to Dec 2021
Praise from the Police Departments of America
Saint Michael Medals
“God Bless you and keep you! Thank you so much for the medals!” - C. M. (Police Chief), Bath, New York
“Thank you for your support and prayers. The police officers are God's answer to a troubled world.” - C. I. (Police Chief), Quogue, New York
“Police work continues to get more difficult, as each week passes. Thank you for all you do!” - M. S. (Police Chief), Allenhurst, New Jersey
“Thank you so much; we need all the help we can get.” - M. G. (Police Chief), Caribou, Maine

Crusade Magazine

“Be not surprised; I am most serious in what I write. From August of 2019 until May of 2020, I had been through a cycle of accidents, falling very painfully, hospitalized and attracting a sickness of the heart which had made me so dizzy that I was not able to stand without falling.
But in May of 2020, something happened. I opened an edition of your Crusade Magazine and I found an article on St. José Luis Sánchez del Río, the young Mexican boy who joined the Cristeros and was martyred for his Faith.
I started praying and asking the young saint to heal my heart so I could go to church again. Robert, St. José has made my heart healthy! I thank God and His young saint so much for the grace and beauty offered to me. Holy Mother of God, stay with me!” - K. D., Ocala, Florida
To read Crusade Magazines online, click here!
From Our Dear Monthly Donors
“I am so very happy and filled with joy in being able to help the Blessed Mother reach so many souls. I don’t remember when I first started giving monthly gifts to ANF, but I have always rejoiced over you reaching out to me to help you help the Most Blessed Virgin to save souls with my monthly gifts and occasional donations. I consider these as blessings for me and I will never regret the gifts I send you. May God bless you and your family for all that you do. I have in my rosaries/prayers you and all those working for the Blessed Mother for the salvation of souls.” - P. L., Girard, Ohio

“Your books are always so welcome. The one you sent me last year — Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus — was WONDERFUL. Thank you so much. I’m a monthly donor with the Child of Mary program and proud of it.” - J. A., East Windsor, New Jersey
“I’m currently a member of your Child of Mary program, happy to support you monthly. I realize that our society is in trouble, and I continue to pray that it will eventually turn back to God for guidance and support.” - D. G., Beloit, Kansas
“We hosted your statue of Our Lady of Fatima many years ago and it was a wonderful, holy experience. The Custodians even took Our Lady to my mom who was ill, but lived close to us. They gave her a rosary. She used it until she passed away. I have it now. Thank you for this opportunity to help those who travel with Her statue!” - Y. M., Charlotte, North Caroline
“I love my Child of Mary pin— and I wear it every day!” - F. M., Honolulu, Hawaii
Mary in Every Home Campaign

“A number of years ago, I received a photo from you of the Blessed Mother. I had it in a drawer. When they closed down our churches due to the corona virus, I couldn’t go to Mass anymore. So a group of us set up a conference call to pray together. For these phone calls, I set up this picture of Our Lady and lit a votive candle while we prayed. I also led the Rosary for us on Monday and Wednesday nights. Praying in front of this particular image of Our Lady for many months has softened my heart. I imagine Her in the room with me as a form of meditation, and I have fallen more deeply in love with Her as my Mother. Having this beautiful experience with the Blessed Mother, I definitely want to take my consecration to Her Immaculate Heart pledge card taken to Fatima. I feel honored and privileged that you would do this for me. God bless you and all the work you do. Peace be with you!” - E. G., Cleveland, Ohio
“I’ve framed the beautiful picture of Our Lady of Fatima, and the Rosary you’ve sent me now drapes over the picture. It hangs on the wall in the bedroom where I have an altar setup to pray during the day and night.” - J. A., Newark, Delaware
Rosaries Are Gifts of Peace and Joy
“I frequently share your Rosaries with others who do not have Rosaries! If you want to move a mountain – pray. If you want to see a mountain move – pray the rosary.” - J.D., Old Monroe, Missouri
“Thank you for the St. Joan of Arc Rosary. St. Joan of Arc is the unofficial Saint of New Orleans! The Rosary you sent is now displayed at Hotel Hope – a shelter for homeless women with children, who are in much need of our Blessed Mother’s protection. Please keep Hotel Hope in your prayers.” - K.K., New Orleans, Louisiana

“Sometimes when I see or feel that someone needs to say the rosary to Mary our Mother, I give them one of my rosaries that you’ve sent me. They are so happy to take it when I offer it to them (through the holy grace of God). I pray that they use them. God bless you and all your helpers so much for the beautiful work you do – I am sure Our Holy Mother Mary was and is blessing you greatly! May Our Merciful God keep all of you in His Heart, just as His Mother is.” - S.T., Los Angeles, California
“We are praying the Rosary every day for our country. We will keep you in our prayers. Thank you for all you are doing to bring our country back to God! Dear God, please bless and protect these brave TFP men and our beautiful nation. We are sending one of the rosaries you mailed us to our cousins in California who have fallen away from the Faith.” - D.C. and K.C., Tonawanda, New York
“Thank you so much for the rosary and the Rosary guide! I have prayed the Rosary once in my life now, and I hope to make it a habit going forward. One of my longtime friends, who lives in California, encourages me to pray the Rosary. I will pray for you and that God will richly bless all the good works. Perhaps I will be able to give more in the future.” - K.S., Omaha, Nebraska
Send all Mail to:
America Needs Fatima
P.O. Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331
Email us: [email protected]