Mail box Jan to June 2024

America Needs Fatima

“New Year greetings to all of you there! I wish to extend to everyone my admiration and respect and gratitude for the immense work you are doing for the cause of Truth, the True Faith, and Christ’s Mother, especially her pivotal message from Fatima. No one does what your organization does; in degree, precision of issues, or valor in the face of ferocious opposition. May the Lady of Fatima send legions of her angels to protect and guard you, and to lift you up away from danger when it threatens. In the end, truth will triumph—as will Mary’s Immaculate Heart! Take heart from that, no matter what comes. In closing, I wish you all at America Needs Fatima and The American TFP a most blessed Merry Christmas and a Holy New Year as we advance for Our Lady’s cause into 2024. With Our Mother Mary at our side, we can face all.”

“She is our hope for America from the far Left that seeks to gain more power by evil influence for this country and the world.” - A. H., New Orleans, Louisiana

Our Lady of Fatima

“I’m 92, mother of 10. I know there isn’t much time left for me and that’s OK—I’m ready. But I wonder if any group has ever thought of collecting unused rosaries? So many of us over the years have collected beads and they now sit in drawers unused. How great it would be to start a campaign to collect people’s unused rosaries. We know it will be through Mary and the Rosary that our nation will be saved! The sooner the better! God bless you.” - M. A. M., Denver, Colorado

“Thank you for all the good you do and have done and will do and are doing. Seems like so long ago you were in Towson, MD protesting homosexual unions—it is overwhelming and intolerable that our country has gone further and further away from Our Savior Jesus Christ to whom we owe our salvation. May God continue to bless your endeavors to serve Mary through countless Rosaries, vigils, and rallies. May God reward you here and hereafter. We need courageous Bishops and priests more than ever. Keep them in prayer. It’s easy being a communist in a free country, try being free in a communist country. Because we tolerated homosexuality, there’s now transgenderism madness, pedophilia, etc. One thing leads to another.” - R. A., Sykesville, Maryland

“I do want to help crush satanic activities through the power of Saint Michael. I appreciate and pray for you daily. You are really a true instrument of Our Lady and Jesus. Thank you for the rosaries, picture of Our Lady of Lepanto, the confidence prayer card. . . Indeed, thank you for all you do to spread Our Lady’s message of love and peace. You, too, are very dear and loved by her. Thank you and God bless you for your unfailing devotion to spread the message of peace and conversion of sinners through Our Lady of Fatima. America is not the only place that needs Our Lady’s request. I know that you are overwhelmed—to continue your work needs money. Your trust and confidence will give you what you need to continue the work you have begun.
May Our Lady continue to bless you in the work you are doing to save souls. You really are Her instruments of love, so generous in giving yourself and your time to Her. If there is one who loves her it is YOU! She will continue to give you the help you need. When I attend daily Mass, I do pray each time for you and the people working with you. In Notre Dame,” - Sr. Clare, Talofofo, Guam

“Thank you for committing to distribute rosary guides to the citizens of this noble country. It encourages me as an Air Force officer to see efforts like yours occurring at such a critical time in the world where the survival of America and our freedoms depend on an immediate course correction toward what is good, right, and true. Through your campaign and our united prayers, we will remind Americans that “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people.” Persevere! God bless you, your team, and America.
P.S. It may be helpful for people to think of the colors of our flag and the characteristics they symbolize but applied in relation to the Holy Family. Red for the Valor of Christ’s Sacrifice, White for the Purity of St. Joseph, and Blue for the maternal Perseverance of our nation’s Patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary.” - Capt. J. C., Del Rio, Texas

“I know how hard you work to save souls. What I can say to you is that you’re working not for people but for Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. May Our Lord and the Blessed Mother reward your good work. Your sacrifices will be a blessing for you in the end.” - E. N., Reseda, California

“Greetings from St. Louis! May the peace and grace of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I hope that you had a Blessed Easter. May the peace which the Risen Lord represents be with you and all your staff at America Needs Fatima during this holy season. I have the large picture of Our Lady of Fatima which you sent me a few months ago proudly hung on my wall and my visitors are very impressed. My pastor, a Jesuit priest, came to visit me during the month of the Rosary Rallies, and was very impressed with my religious devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima.” - S. S., St. Louis, Missouri

“I will make the recommendation to our Franciscan Fraternity that we earnestly pray for your mission, and that it receives sufficient funding from current sources in addition to new sources as well. Thank you for the strong and noble commitment ANF has to promoting and defending the gospel principles of Jesus and His Catholic Church. Your work is important and wonderful.” - K. P., Franklin, Wisconsin

The Rosary Crusade for America

“I always pray the rosary with my sister and I have been doing it for many years now. What you are doing there at ANF is always part of our prayers, asking God to help you succeed in all your endeavors. I don’t lose hope that the world will be a better place for all of us to live in through the guidance of Mother Mary.” - B. M., Torrance, California

“I said my rosary on your Sacred Heart rosary last night as I fed our farm animals. Please accept this small offering for the important work you are doing. I will be more generous in the future when I can, as right now I need to save to pay for feed to keep our cows next winter. By the way, my wife and I very much enjoy using your Green Hope rosaries as well.” - R. B., Prattsburgh, New York

“Thank you very much for this special Saint Michael Rosary. I am forwarding it to my son in the Marine Corps!” - M. C., Lompoc, California

“A beautiful rosary in honor of the S.H. which I carry and use when out. Your St. Michael rosary is at my bedside and it is used all the time too. A real blessing to have them both! Thank you!” - D. M., Baltimore, Maryland

“Received rosary, thank you, and it’s now in the hands of my wife who is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s, unable to walk or talk. She does, however, cradle and hold this rosary you gave us. A miracle of sorts, no? Please continue to pray for us, America Needs Fatima folks.” - J. H., Zieglerville, Pennsylvania

“Please send me another rosary, it was so beautiful and I miss it terribly! You see, my Catholic aunt was dying with no sacraments—she was without anything holy, so I placed it on her. One of her children would have removed it from her hands, so I placed it around her neck to deter that from happening. I thought my cousin would have given it back to me, but he had it buried with her—which is a spiritual consolation actually. Your beautiful rosary, under the patronage of Mary, Star of the Sea, accompanied my aunt from this life into the next. She would have been 94 years old on June 24th.” - N. S., Rochester, New Hampshire

Melrose, MA

“Please know that all the rosaries you’ve sent me I have passed on to others in their times of crisis and many of them have started praying the rosary!” - M. M., Kansas City, Missouri

“I am sorry that I can so infrequently help this cause, but I faithfully pray using your rosaries and use your calendars. Thank you for what you do.” - G. F., Aberdeen, South Dakota

“THANKS TO YOU I started praying the rosary every day about ten months ago—and I love every decade!” - D. M. (USN, Ret.), Butler, Pennsylvania

“I am happy because I found this envelope with your beautiful rosary and calendar on the giveaway table at the back of my church.” - B. P., Kensington, Maryland

“Thank you for the blue St. Michael rosary! Fittingly, I gave it to a young Marine. We here pray the rosary every day. God bless us all!” - P. F., Covington, Louisiana

“My youngest daughter just passed away and I had given her my original green Hope Rosary, so she was buried with it—a blessing amidst grief. But now I would like to ask for another one myself; I would appreciate it so I can pray, especially as my husband also died a few years ago as well.” - M. R., Provo, Utah

“Thank you very much for the pretty Lady of Guadalupe Rosary sent a while back. It’s very wonderful. I will keep it close by always, but I’m not of the Catholic faith! But I do believe in the Lady Mother and the Lord Jesus! And so I know the whole country needs Fatima even though I’m of the Baptist denomination. I know the people and the country is being taken over by that which is evil and sinful. All we can do is hope for the best and a miracle from the Lady and the Good Lord, and that’s going to take a lot of prayer.” - C. W., Marion, Virginia

Sign up to become a Rosary Rally Captain for Our Lady!

Miraculous Healing

“I was in the hospital for pain in my abdominal area and a lady came to me saying, ‘Valerie you have a ulcer’ and then she was gone. This was before I had the test done the next morning, I'm not sure what came about or who she was, she looked just like Mary, Mother of Jesus.

“The next day Sunday she came back and we prayed and she gave me communion. She looks like Mary, her hair and clothes, eyes, nose I was so pleased and felt really good. I am 84 years old and very much a Catholic. I am amazed and July 2, I had 2 stents put in my aorta, I had been in pain for 5 years and lost weight down to 91 pounds, the doctors did not know what was wrong till the one test came back that I had an ulcer blockage so blood was not flowing in my abdomen area. Thank you for listening to my story of faith. I love the gold rosary you sent me. Thank you.” - V. J. L.

ANF 2024 Fatima Calendar

“Thank you for the 2024 Fatima calendar. It is so beautiful and has been glorifying God on the walls of my home for months now and will for months to come!” - F. N., Sacramento, California

“Thanks for your beautiful calendar. If you have just one left, please send me one more. I will give it to my son who has left the Church—and expect a miracle!” - R. S., Columbus, Nebraska

To order calendars, call Customer Service at: 888-317-5571

Devotion to the Sacred Heart

"Thank you for the book about Devotion to the Sacred Heart. I was praying and a message came to me to listen to Christ's Heart. I was searching for something to read and thought about learning more about the devotion to the Sacred Heart. I didn't know where to start and then your book showed up in the mail. What a 2x4 over the It was a great sign and consolation from Christ when I opened the envelope. Thanks again." – C.H., via email

Download a copy of this book today!

June Rosary Rallies

“I’m sorry I can’t do a rally at this time, but I offer my prayers of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus against the celebration of homosexual “pride.” My husband and I love the rosary and St. Michael. We pray the rosary twice a day together, and St. Michael is very precious to us. Our world needs many, many, many more people to get serious and pray the rosary. It is so sad what is happening to our country; attacking the Catholic Church, mocking and blaspheming Our Blessed Mother and her Son. . . and what our country is trying to teach our children in schools—!! May God bless your efforts to stave off the moral insanity and return us to righteousness. May Our Blessed Mother wrap you in her mantle and keep you safe.” - M.S., Ord, Nebraska

Read more about the June Rallies Here!

Fatima: A Message More Urgent Than Ever book

“Thank you for the book Fatima: A Message More Urgent Than Ever. I have read it and found it to be inspiring and powerful. I have also received many rosaries from you and have given many of them to many people and Catholic churches. I try to pray the rosary often." - R.T., Albion, Indiana

“I am the widow of an Illinois state trooper and have been for some time now. My family is large—I had four sons and, finally, a daughter. The oldest is a priest now. But I have others in the family who do not attend Mass any more. My youngest grandson will soon graduate from high school, and for his edification, I will give him this book you sent, “Fatima: A Message More Urgent Than Ever.” I must belatedly thank you for the wonderful Sacred Heart rosary you mailed to me! I can’t tell you how much I love praying on it! It definitely won’t be wasted on me. God has truly blessed me in so many ways. I know Our Blessed Mother loves you dearly.” - S. W., Marengo, Illinois

“Thank you for the Sacred Heart rosary, also for the book “Fatima: A Message More Urgent Than Ever.” I apologize for taking so long to respond and express my gratitude for those, but please know that my tardiness does not diminish my gratitude. They’ve been a boon to the growth of my spiritual life. I’m looking forward to the October Rosary Rally here in Columbus, Montana.” - A. B., Columbus, Montana

Download a copy of this book today!


Hello TFP Student Action

“I hope you will respond quickly. I want to look presentable, professional and traditional in my day-to-day life. I want to look as though I am from a more traditional time. The modern world and modern clothing styles make me feel gross and don’t suit me at all. I noticed that your members always dress very traditionally and very professionally. What kinds of brands or types of clothes do you wear as part of your uniforms? Thanks.” -Sean

“I’m pro-life, Christian and conservative. I absolutely love what you do and how you spread the word of God across the country. Nowadays, we need God’s voice more than ever and need his word in our society once again. I attend BGSU here in Ohio and there is non-stop trans promoting, pro-choice clubs, and even socialist clubs. It’s a sad reminder that evil is still rampant. Please continue to spread God’s love and his word to college campuses and other places! You have my full support! It would be incredible if one day you came to my campus. I would stand with you!” - M. S.

“Dear sir or madam,
“I am part of an organization in the Republic of Macedonia, under the name "Coalition for the Protection of Children", through which we fight against gender ideology and its penetration into schools and institutions.
“Today, on your YouTube channel (TFP Student Action), I watched the 5-minute video with Dr. Miriam Grossman, with title "She destroys gender ideology in 5 minutes", in which she lays out clear and undeniable facts. I don't know if you have the copyright over the video, but we would like to translate it and publish it in Macedonian. We need your permission. Another option is to make the translation (probably as a srt file) and attach it to the video, so that it is also available in our language. That way, we will share the video with those who want to know more arguments against gender ideology. I will await your reply. Thank you.” - G. I., Negotino, Macedonia

“In Spring of 2023, I discovered the videos of TFP student action. At the time, I was in high school and would consider myself to be supportive or even a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and I happened to also to be Christian (even though looking back I clearly was not following the Bible’s teachings).
“When I first came upon one of TFP student action’s videos, I would “hate watch” it, which means I would watch it to make fun of it or leave hateful comments. But as I watched, I saw the true colors of the left and I saw them for who they truly are: intolerant, closed minded, ignorant, and hypocritical people. By viewing your content, I converted from loosely being Christian to be in a devout Catholic and started attending church every Sunday. I became happier, better dressed, and more polite.
“These young men at TFP student action are the definition of America and true American values. I think that on that fateful day I first clicked on a TFP video, it was God trying to herd me back to his flock of lambs. I am eternally in the debt of TFP, as they saved my soul from eternal damnation in Hell.
“Just as a suggestion that you may want to keep in mind, there is this school in my home state of Washington called Evergreen College. They are no doubt the most woke school in America and need help. I pray for the young people who are the future of America, and the young minds at Evergreen college could use your help. Best regards and God Bless you as the Lenten Season comes to an end. I will continue to pray for you and TFP as a whole for Holy Mary to keep you safe.” - C. B.


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Send all Mail to:

America Needs Fatima
P.O. Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331

Email us: [email protected]