What the clergy are saying...
Letters from Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests
Since its foundation in 1973, America Needs Fatima has promoted a large amount of activities aimed at spreading Our Lady's Fatima message as well as promoting moral causes such as the fight for the unborn, traditional marriage, and protesting public blasphemy.
The ANF Mailbox is a small selection of the many letters and emails we receive and is updated every few months. Click here to read the latest letters, emails and communication we have received here at America Needs Fatima.
Dear Mr. Ritchie,
It is with gratitude that your letter has been received wherein you present the 2017 America Needs Fatima Calendar. Thank you.
The initiative to distribute Our Lady of Fatima calendars throughout the United States is worthy of recognition. Indeed, it is quite fitting to honor the Lord’s Mother in this way during the Centennial of Our Lady’s message of peace. Please know that it is my prayer than many persons will experience conversions of heart during this special anniversary.
This opportunity is taken to extend to you the assurances of my continued consideration, as well as my prayers for you and America Needs Fatima.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
— Frank J. Dewane
Bishop of the Diocese of Venice in Florida
May the blessing of our Blessed Mother be with you all in a very special way this October 13th, as you hold public Rosary Rallies on the 90th Anniversary of Fatima. These rallies to be held across the nation for our citizens will be a powerful example to both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. May the inspiration of your commitment to Fatima lead many to our Lord. I commend you for your strong support of Fatima.
— Most Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss
Archbishop of Omaha, Nebraska
We are living at the crossroads of history. Christianity in general is suffering the negative consequences of the secularization process, as Christian morals are put aside as no longer relevant in modern society. The devastating effect of this ongoing process is quite noticeable in many fields: increase in criminality, soaring divorce rate, explosion of pornography, millions of young people embracing drugs, alcohol and illicit sex and millions of unborn babies aborted with the consent of the mothers and paid for by tax dollars.
So today, more than ever, we need to keep the Fatima message close to our hearts and show sincere appreciation for the efforts of TFP in fostering and promoting Christian values in the family and society in general.
As a Lithuanian bishop I wish to take this opportunity to once more express sincerest gratitude to TFP for assisting our nation in those critical days prior to the restoration of independence that helped Lithuania achieve full independence and most important religious freedom. The collection of 5,218,520 signatures worldwide in 1990 on behalf of Lithuania was a welcome aid for beleaguered Lithuania.
No worthwhile task can ever be achieved without the dedication of and sacrifice of hard working volunteers. Thus we thank and pray for all those rosary volunteers who will give their all to make America Needs Fatima a huge success and hopefully will bring many to their senses through the powerful prayer of the rosary.
— The Most Reverend Paul A. Baltakis, O.F.M
Bishop for Lithuanian Apostolate (ret.) Maspeth, New York
I was very impressed with your letter of August 3rd, which just arrived in American Samoa. I have turned all the information over to one of my young priests who is the Chaplain for our Diocesan Rosary Society. I am sure that he will follow up on the Fatima Anniversary.
Please extend my “Congratulations” to all those who are doing so much and are doing such wonderful public witness of their Catholic Faith.
— The Most Reverend J. Quinn Weitzel, MM
Bishop of Samoa – Pago Pago
Promoting the devotion of the people to the Rosary of Our Lady is a very worthwhile project. In my own personal opinion, the rosary is responsible for hauling countless souls from the brink of an unhappy eternity. Meditating on the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous mysteries of the rosary bring us into closer union with Christ, Our Lord, who is our only hope.
I commend all those involved in this apostolate and ask God’s blessing upon them.
— The Most Reverend Thomas G. Doran, D.D., J.C.D.
Bishop of Rockford, Illinois
I am pleased that you informed me about the Rosary Rally campaign to pray for America on the 90th Anniversary of Fatima Apparition. I would like to praise and recognize the many volunteers who have put tremendous effort towards this cause.
I myself have often preached and encouraged Catholics to pray the rosary. As I know, many Vietnamese Catholics, specifically, continue to pray the rosary together in the evening as a family.
May Mary, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary bless your effort in promoting this powerful devotion.
— The Most Reverend Dominic M. Luong
Auxiliary Bishop of Orange, California
…We are pleased that a number of initiatives are underway to observe the anniversary of the Fatima miracle. A large number of our Catholic faithful will participate in the semiannual “Rosary March” to acknowledge our devotion to Our Lady. Our diocesan newspaper is also considering a catechetical feature on the anniversary.
You detail in the letter a variety of initiatives sponsored by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property to mark the occasion of the Fatima miracle. Best wishes to your efforts and all the people who are participating in this apostolate.
— Reverend James A. Wehner, S.T.D.
Department of Evangelization Director
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Thank you most sincerely for your letter of August 3, 2007, together with the enclosed rosary. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated.
I am delighted to learn that the May, June, and July Rosary Rallies coordinated by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property and aimed at bringing as many people as possible back to the Church have been so successful. Please extend my gratitude and prayerful best wishes to all who volunteer and participate in these Rosary Rallies for, in seeking to bring home to the Church fallen away Catholics, they are truly doing the work of the Lord.
— Edward Cardinal Egan
Archbishop of New York
I extend the assurance of my prayers and my solidarity to all those participating in Rosary Rallies across the nation on October 13 of this year sponsored by the American Society for Defense of Tradition, Family and Property.
Please convey to the participants my encouragement as they undertake this public witness to their faith in Jesus Christ and their love and devotion to his holy Mother. It is my prayer that this witness be a means of inculcating a true spirit of repentance and conversion in the hearts of all who participate.
May Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, watch over them.
— Justin Cardinal Rigali
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Thank you for sharing with me the information about the Public Square Rosary Rallies which will be held on October 13th, the 90th anniversary of the Fatima miracle of the sun.
In these days of rampant secularization and materialism, it is so very important that we “pray for America” and encourage others to do the same. I commend all of those who are participating in this movement for taking a bold and necessary step in behalf of evangelization. May God, through the intercession of Our Lady, bring much fruit from this major effort.
— Most Reverend Dale J. Melczek
Bishop of Gary, Indiana
You, your society and all the dedicated rosary volunteers are to be commended for all you do to share the public witness of our Catholic faith.
May God continue to bless you, your ministry and your efforts.
— Most Reverend Robert W. Muench
Bishop of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I write to support your wonderful efforts in preparation for the celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the Fatima Miracle of the sun.
Significant in this preparation is the distribution of more than 100,000 Anniversary Fatima Rosaries. This is a marvelous achievement and I understand that you are continuing in this great work.
I salute you and the volunteers in this testimony of faith. Our diocesan pilgrimage honoring this Anniversary of Fatima will be held in October at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. I assure you of a special prayer for your Campaign. I ask to be remembered in yours.
— Most Reverend Michael A. Saltarelli
Bishop of Wilmington, Delaware
I extend to T.F.P.’s Rosary Volunteers my gratitude and admiration for the work that they are doing on behalf of the Church inviting fallen-away Catholics to return to the practice of their Faith.
I know that the Rosary Rallies are very pleasing to God and Our Blessed Mother, and will be effective in encouraging many people to realize the need for faith, hope and love in their lives.
— Most Reverend Francis A. Quinn
Bishop Emeritus of Sacramento
Please tell the rosary volunteers that they are doing a very good job showing their faith to the many people who will see them standing in public places.
It is a wonderful thing to know that so many students are also willing to volunteer to hand out rosaries to people wanting to know about the Catholic Church.
Please let them know that they have my support and I will remember them in my prayers as they continue to do the Lord’s work.
— Most Reverend Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S.
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
Please know of my prayers as you plan a series of “Rosary Rallies” to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the Fatima miracle of the sun.
90 years ago the message of Fatima was one of hope at the beginning of a century that seemed to have lost hope. The serial holocausts of the 20th century were symptomatic of this loss of hope among people who had closed themselves to transcendence: that they were created by a loving God more than just to die.
At Fatima Mary points to the source of all hope, the hope that does not disappoint: namely, her Son, Jesus Christ. Our world is seemingly paralyzed by fear of weapons of mass destruction – from the poison gas of WWI trenches, to the saturation bombing and atomic weapons of WWII, and potential biological weapons in the hands of terrorists. To this world, Mary offers a weapon of mass conversion: the holy rosary.
Today, 90 years after Fatima, Mary’s appeal for prayer is more urgent than ever. May God bless this effort to witness to this powerful prayer this October 13th and may these prayers deliver us from all anxiety and bring us peace.
— Most Reverend Thomas Wenski
Bishop of Orlando, Florida
This is to acknowledge your letter of August 3rd. I appreciate your taking the time to write to inform me that the American TFP’s America Needs Fatima campaign will hold Public Square Rosary Rallies in hundreds of cities and campuses on October 13th which is the 90th anniversary of the Fatima miracle of the sun. Thank you!
I wish also to thank and personally commend all the dedicated and hard-working rosary volunteers who devote time and energy in their public witness to the faith. It was most interesting to learn of the previous rallies that were held in May, June and July on the college campuses and the enthusiasm of the students. It is both heartwarming and encouraging to know that so many are seeking to strengthen their faith through the rosary.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers will be with all those participating in the public rallies on October 13th. Thank you for the gift of the special rosary commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Fatima miracle of the sun! Your efforts on behalf of the Public Rosary Rallies are greatly appreciated.
May God continue to bless you and all those involved with this very special ministry to spread the public recitation of the rosary.
— Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski
Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, Eastern Vicariate
I write to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter of August 3, 2007 in which you inform me of the wonderful witness that so many Rosary Rally Captains are giving through their leading the public recitation of the Rosary for our country.
I would ask you to extend to them my sincerest appreciation for their remarkable expression of faith in the power of Our Lady’s intercession. I shall keep them and their efforts in my prayers. I also extend to them my blessing!
— Most Reverend Robert J. McManus
Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts
It is a cause of great satisfaction for me to learn about the continuing success of the important America Needs Fatima project being carried out by the American TFP under your direction. Please convey these sentiments to all those who are generously devoting their time and efforts, in any way, to spreading the timely message of the Mother of God.
I pray that this vital apostolate expands, with the blessings of Divine Providence, for the spiritual well-being of Catholics and of each and every heart that it touches. For this intention, I give my apostolic blessing, asking that the Blessed Mother smile upon your great nation and your endeavors.
— Cardinal Silvio Oddi
Thank you for your letter and the copy of “Jacinta’s Story”. It is a beautiful to see the story of Our Lady of Fatima told in such a charming way and with such lovely illustrations. My congratulations to Andria Fragelli. This book will appeal to everyone, not just children.
I passed the book on to a little 6 year old girl. Let me tell you a little story about her. She attends public school and is a member of the parish Junior Legion of Mary. I was present at the meeting when she gave her weekly report. She said, so innocently, “I took a Roasry and went up to my teacher and told her that she should pray”. To hear this from a little child must have caused the teacher to do some soul searching.
Thank you again, God bless you and continue your good work.
— Most Rev. Francisco Garmendia
Auxiliary Bishop of New York, Vicar of the South Bronx