Mail Box Jan to June 2021
The Secret of the Rosary
“I so wish I could send you more for this campaign. This book may have saved my soul.” - E.N., Chicago, Illinois
“Thanks for the Secret of the Rosary book. You are an amazing grace for me. You were moved by the Holy Spirit to pull me out of spiritual drowning by this book. The Rosary was everything to me but I stopped praying it. I lost my favorite Rosary, and then I got discouraged, and then stopped praying the Rosary. It was like I was drowning in problems. Thank you for saving me.” - A.P., Louisville, Kentucky

“I want to thank you for The Secret of the Rosary. I did not know so many things about the rosary – the meaning, the crowns, so much more. I can’t put your book down. I want to read it and read it until I’m done. I wish I could donate a lot more to your book campaign! Love what you’re doing!” - M.L., Largo, Florida
“I read my copy at night when I go to bed or when I spend one hour at Adoration. I love it. Thank you so much.” - J.S., Lemoore, California
“I love this updated format of this book! So easily readable! Very much appreciated! Thank you!” - P.M., Cincinnati, Ohio
“I am very grateful to have received this beautiful and inspiring book The Secret of the Rosary. I am reading it. I have learned a lot of things that I didn’t even know! But this book inspired me so much, that I feel very relaxed. I will take good care of this book. Be assured that I am praying for all of you!” - M.T., Houston, Texas
“Thank you so much for propagating St. Louis de Montfort’s book The Secret of the Rosary! Since I joined ANF, I have prayed you would one day offer this classic book. How very important this is for the dark times in which we live! I pray that everyone who receives it will take it to heart and be strengthened in fighting the good fight. Also, I do love the ease of reading this ANF book version: the printing and fonts are all very clear and large enough for older people to read, and the cover art is so beautiful!” - E. A., Fayetteville, Arkansas
“I have been given or had access to this book numerous times in my life. This is the first time I have been inspired to read it. Thank you!!” - J. V., Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania
“It is a beautiful book – it is a book that can be read often.” - W. R., Burlington, Massachusetts
Appreciation for ANF’s Mission
“I think America needs Mary’s help. We cannot survive without love from Heaven and people waking up to today’s evil morals. We need to pray, pray, pray. Our churches need to reopen.” - N. S., Zionsville, Indiana
“Your rosary crusading is very admirable! I’m donating some of my COVID stimulus check to you for spreading the rosary. I remain your fellow servant in Jesus and Mary.” - J. M., Great Bend, Pennsylvania
“God bless you for all the beautiful work you do. I don’t have much but I am happy to share what little I have with you. Two things make me happy; going to church every day and praying the Rosary every day. When I said yes on the phone the other day when your representative called up to ask if I would lead a Rosary Rally I was so happy and will try to do the best I can with it. The newsletter you send to me, I show my friends to let them know what is going on. To listen to the news today would make a soul cry. I will never stop doing the Rosary Rallies for America. I have friends who will take over if anything happens to me.” - N. B., Bennington, Vermont
“I will be happy to help. Anything that has to do with the Blessed Mother has to do with the whole world. The Blessed Mother has taken care of me, and everyone living on earth. There must be times that God is at a point that He would like to start all over with earth. And the Blessed Mother asks Him to find another way.” - R. Z., Lyman, South Carolina
“Thank you for a most informative letter sent to me. Our Heavenly Mother knew what she was doing when she chose you to represent her on earth! You, Mr. Ritchie, have the honor! May Our Lady bless you with all the best that life has to offer! Hope your New Year was happy and healthy! God bless!” - D. C., Bronx, New York City, New York
“I cannot thank you enough for your commitment to spreading the Faith and helping to strengthen so many believers. I deeply regret not being able to donate any money out of pocket because I am 16 years old. But be assured I will say a decade of the Rosary for you tonight.” - P. D., Carlsbad, Florida
“Thank you for getting me to pray the complete Rosary daily!” - T. G., Gainesville, Florida
“The Rosary is very powerful and necessary if our country is to remain Christian.” - R. H., Cincinnati, Ohio
“Dear Mr. Ritchie and all your wonderful helpers! Thank you for one of your most beautiful pictures of Our Lady of Fatima. Our family is truly grateful. It only took me five minutes after receiving it to place her in our dining room. Everyone asks how I got her. “Through a faithful man who works for Our Lady,” I tell them. Could you please send another picture to give to our neighbors? They would be so grateful.” - A. N., Whitestone, Queens, New York
There’s No Place Like "Home Visitation"

“God bless you and everyone at America Needs Fatima. I wanted to write and share a very special blessing with all of you. I have a very dear nephew; he and his wife have been blessed with the gift of a new baby girl. The reason this is so very extra special is because a year ago they were expecting twins, but sadly, they lost them to a miscarriage. In August 2019, we received the visit of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue in our home. That day, I entrusted my nephew and his wife to Our Lady of Fatima. I prayed for her intercession on their behalf that they would become parents again. Thanks be to Our Blessed Mother, my nephew and his wife became parents nine months after that exact visit with Our Lady’s statue! Their little girl was born May 3, 2020—the month of Mary, and the month of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. This makes it much more meaningful and special. Thank you for all the work you do, also! And thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Blessings and graces to you all!” - L. O., Brawley, California
“Thank you for always remembering me by sending me information in regards to your great organization. I first became involved with ANF in December of 2006 when I hosted the Pilgrim Virgin statue in my humble home. Since that time, myself, my eldest daughter and a small group of our friends have gathered together once a week to pray the Rosary together.” - R.M., Sudan, Texas
“Twelve years ago a dear friend had cancer and invited me to her house to say the Rosary along with other women. A nice man from your organization came with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and we all said the Rosary together in her home. I have a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and I pray the Rosary every day. I read your Crusade Magazine and enjoy it very much. I have been a proud member of your Child of Mary program for 12 years now, glad to support you on a monthly basis. I read the news about blasphemies and it makes me sad. We must keep praying, not only to our Blessed Mother, but also to St. Michael. Keep up the good work.” - E. T., East Meadow, New York
“My friends and some fellow parishioners were at my home when the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was brought there by America Needs Fatima. We all seem to talk about little else other than her visit afterwards!” - J. T., Greene, New York
Sacred Heart of Jesus Consecration and Photo
“Please rush ten more sets of your beautiful Sacred Heart photos and consecration forms to His Sacred Heart that you sent out earlier this year! These will be given to family, friends, priests and deacons at our parish. They are beautiful and MUST be spread ASAP! God Bless!” - J. S., Sebastian, Florida
“I was feeling very low and then you sent me the picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the mail. It was a version I’d never seen before, and it made me feel better as soon as I saw it.” - K. D., Highland, California
“The picture is up on the wall of my living room. It brings me peace and comfort. Thank you!” - J. B., Dayton, Ohio
Non-Catholics Love Our Lady Too
“Although a Protestant, I truly believe that America Needs Our Lady of Fatima!” - S.T., Pensacola, Florida

“My copy [of The Virgin Mary book] went to a Catholic friend who is very ill with cancer. Although I am not a practicing Catholic myself, I do embrace many of the teachings. Can you please send me another copy for myself?” - M.P., Calumet City, Illinois
“I have started reading the book [The Virgin Mary]. I am not a Catholic but a Presbyterian, and enjoying your book and understanding the devotion Catholics have for the Blessed Mother. Thank you!” - J.V., Long Beach, California
“I am not a Catholic, but this is a small gift for my brothers and sisters in Christ so that they may see Christ within His Holy Temple. Somehow I feel that I am supporting your great efforts at America Needs Fatima to send the light of the Holy Spirit to my brothers and sisters so that they may find Christ. With the Holy Spirit as your guide, you can achieve this. YOU are blessed and loved from Above, and WE are blessed and loved by YOUR efforts, ANF!” - P.R., Norfolk, Virginia
“Looking through my pile of mail, I came across this interesting letter. I am not a Catholic, I’m United Methodist, but I have a lot of Catholic friends. I’ve heard and seen rosaries used by them, so I’ll keep this one you sent me, if I may. It’s beautiful. I don’t know how to use it, but I’m willing to learn or wear it. May I? Yes, we all need Hope, and a lot of it as storms come into our lives. I hope the Rosary will change my life for the better. I’ve been more depressed lately. Even though I’m not Catholic, I’d like to support you along the way. It’s amazing how many Rosary Rallies you have had. I hope and pray your Rosary Rallies really are well attended.” - F. H., Crosby, Minnesota
Send all Mail to:
America Needs Fatima
P.O. Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331
Email us: [email protected]