Mail box July to Dec 2022
2022 Fatima Calendars
“I receive about 16 calendars a year but ANF’s is MY calendar. I always use it and love it! I look forward to your calendar! Thank you!” - J.H., Cincinnati, Ohio

“The calendar is so beautiful. It is my personal calendar to keep forever. Pictures of Our Lady are so very beautiful in it. I just love it.” - M.W., Sulphur, Louisiana
“I’ve always loved the calendars from you all. The pictures are so beautiful. Mother Mary is beautiful beyond words. I just had to write you after I read all you said about homes having no pictures of Mary, Jesus and so many heavenly ones, or any statues either. I never really thought about homes having no such pictures. I believe it has to do a lot with the way children are raised, what they do when they grow up. When my little grandchildren come to my house, they already know that we will all say a Rosary before bedtime. I teach them that we are not praying to or loving a picture, but rather we pray to and love who the picture represents or depicts. It’s instilled in them. I believe that ‘that is how it begins’ and will live in them as time goes on. Start them young—it will grow old with and in them. I wish with all my heart that all people on earth would put Jesus and Mary in their lives and their children’s lives, and always put them first! If only they would know what they are missing. May Jesus and Mary love you for all you do for people like us to stay close to them. I know it’s a lot of work, but it will be well rewarded. That’s the truth.” - P.T., New Iberia, Louisiana
“Yours is the only calendar I use year after year!” - P.B., Rochester, New York
“I am choosing to use your calendar from all others! It spiritually motivates me to do the right thing every time, come heck or high water.” - L.B., Los Angeles, California
“The calendar is beautiful and for this I am truly grateful and appreciate the powerful messages each of your calendar months brings.” - S.A., Austin, Texas
To order your Fatima Calendar, call Customer Service at: 888-317-5571
Crusade Magazine
“Thank you so much for your articles about Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira that you include in your Crusade Magazine. I believe this man was a wonderful gift from God, sent to help us with the singular problems of our times. In wanting to learn more about him, I enclose a donation and ask you to send me a copy of the book about him that you offer called Plinio: A Man for Our Times, by Andrea Phillips. Also, I include my thanks for sending me the Crusade Magazine. I really look forward to receiving each issue from you! May God reward and bless you.” - C.C., Alameda, California
“I had to tell you that last year’s March-April edition of Crusade Magazine was exceptional. It answered so many questions about morality and papal statements that I had been pondering for many months.” - M. A., East Aurora, New York
“The Crusade Magazine is so interesting and inspiring, with a definite focus on our precious Faith. I read it cover to cover. Thank you so much. It’s like a gift from the Holy Spirit through you. I pray your chaplet to St. Michael the Archangel, too, every night before bed, along with the Rosary.” - C. B., Brooklyn, New York
“Your magazine gives me hope for the present and the future. Thank you.” - C. C., Alameda, California
“Thank you so much for the rosary. Please send me Crusade Magazine. I am a revert to the Catholic Faith (having left it and returned) and need all the encouragement and support I can get to continue on the right path. Also, any materials or books you can send me will be greatly appreciated.” - M. H., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

To receive our bi-monthly Crusade Magazines to your mail box, sign up to be a Child of Mary and they will be sent to you for FREE! To start your subscription click the link below....
America Needs Fatima Apostolate
“I am so grateful for ANF. Your books are always read cover-to-cover and passed on. Please pray for my family, we are in great need of prayer to cure addictions.” - J.M., Scottsdale, Arizona
“I find it amazing how you come to me with articles on topics that have been in my thoughts and prayers. With all that is going on, with all the blasphemies that hurt our sweet Mother Mary and Our Lord and the hurt I feel seeing and hearing all this . . . I cry for their forgiveness to stop the pain it causes them.” - R.M., Surprise, Arizona

“In 2015, I received a picture of Mother Mary from your organization. As I opened it, a rush of love emanated from it. I had just finished doing a thirty-three-day retreat for the consecration to Jesus through Mary. This picture hangs on my wall next to my bed. This was a very difficult time in my life and that signal grace was such a gift for me. I just wanted to give you that testimony about how Our Lady has affected my life. Actually, in 2012, praying the Rosary was a big part of my conversion. Mother Mary is such a beautiful gift from God to me and the whole world. May God bless you and your efforts to do His will.” - J.J., Pensacola, Florida
“Thank you for all you do in spreading the Gospel message and for all the beautiful things you have sent us over the years.” - D.B., Anderson, South Carolina
“When I pray the Rosary, I pray for all the intentions you state in your letters and especially for Mary to protect America.” - L.B., Butler, Pennsylvania
“I have always thought a lot of the holy Rosary and the rosary prayers said in the homes of families when your volunteers visit with the blessed statue of Our Lady of Fatima, and it is with happiness that I realize that every time I donate, it helps with these good causes. I am not rich, but I try to send as much as I can to help. Thank you for the Masses prayed by Fr. Kevin Beaton and Fr. Scott Boghassian, and for all the prayers said for me, especially as this is my 6th year in a wheelchair.” - J.C., Homeland, California
“We need to get the story of Fatima out to the world!” - L.R.H., San Diego, California
“Thank you for sending me the beautiful items and timely protests. Our grandchildren are getting hit from all sides with racial indoctrination in our schools in the form of this ‘Critical Race Theory,’ the filth of so many tv shows and movies, the clothing in stores that is demoralizing, and now Satanic items being sold from retailers. A word of thanks for the calendar; it has so much religious information that will keep me informed on different feast days and religious holidays.” - J. L. F., Ville Platte, Louisiana

“I am a member of your Child of Mary program with a small monthly gift. I am happy that in my small little way I can be of help to the organization. I always treasure the things you send me. Thank you very much and may GOD always guide you with Mama Mary’s intercession.” - C. D., Kissimmee, Florida
“We appreciate the gifts that are sent to us. We are given hope in these difficult times we live in today. The gifts are inspiring; they make us try to live according to God’s laws, truth, and teachings.” - A. Z., Verona, New Jersey
“Thank you for your service mission to our beloved Almighty God.” - E. T., Los Angeles, California
“Thank you for your letter. I cannot explain how happy I was when I opened this envelope and saw the beautiful smile of Our Lady! I am happy to help in spreading the love of Our Lady, which is the rosary, to the world. I am praying that our beloved Mother will show me the way to extend more of my help to the world. I used your rosary from the day I received it. I was glad to join the group Our Lady’s Companions, to be a part of the group of supporters for the men that work as messengers of Mama Mary, taking her and her story around the country into homes. Thank you for leading me to be a part of Mama Mary’s Companions.” - R. O., Barrigada, Guam
Monthly Rosary Rallies
“I met today with our priest and scheduled Public Rosaries and Rosary Walks outside for every month this year! Of course, the big October Rally will be in conjunction with all of ANF’s rallies across America at noon on the marked day! We are St. Margaret’s parish in Bel Air, Maryland, and its mission church St. Mary Magdalen.” - J. Z., Aberdeen, Maryland
“My husband and I have set the 3rd Saturday of each month, weather conditions allowing, for a Public Rosary in front of the Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta, Georgia. Our pastor is open to this continuation, and so we usually gather around 10 or more people to pray for our nation, leaders, Church, conversions of heart and mind, for traditional marriage, strength and courage in our families, to name a few. With the current dire situations in need of prayer, this is the least we can for our country, leaders, families, and our Catholic faith.” - D. O., Smyrna, Georgia

Book Distributions
“Thank you so much for the book True Devotion to Mary! I read it all and it has changed my prayer life and my devotion to Mary and Her Son. You had also in the past sent me a St. Louis de Montfort treatise, which I read and was inspired.” - K.G., Benson, Arizona
“This book [ The Glories of Mary ] I received from you is very inspirational. I wrote my name in the front of it right away, just as you suggested I do, then propped it up in front of my dresser mirror along with all the other holy things you sent me. It really is a beautiful sight! Hoping all is well in your world. May God’s blessings surround you.” - R.M., Staten Island, New York
“I visited the Holy House when I worked in Rome. I always felt that I would see it someday. Thank you for this book [ The Miracle of the Holy House of Loreto ]! You also sent me a book on the Sacred Heart and a lovely calendar with its monthly prayer which I say every day. I am sure that Mother Mary is consoled by all you are doing to bring others to Her Son Jesus. Please be assured of my prayers, raggedy as they are at best, but always washed in the Precious Blood. May God continue to bless all that you and your staff are doing for Catholic evangelization.” - D.A., Sparta, New Jersey

“I was born close to Fatima….”
Dear Director Robert,
I, Sr. Maria Amelia Carreira (Franciscan Hospitaller Sister of the Immaculate Conception) give thanks to God for your wonderful way of evangelizing the USA on the way to peace by spreading devotion to Mary, through this channel of Our Lady of Fatima.
I was born very close to Fatima. My Dad was present at the Sun Miracle in October 1917. I used to go by foot to Fatima in May and August. The devotion to Our Lady of Fatima was very strong in my life. There, in August of 1951, I made my last decision to say YES to Jesus. Then, I entered Consecrated Religious Life. After my perpetual commitment in 1960, I was sent to INDIA as a missionary. Two years after, I was asked to open a Community in San Francisco Bay Area, California. Much later in 1995, I went to be a missionary in Angola, Africa. At age 81, brain malaria forced me to come back to my starting point in the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima. Now I am 90 years old. My mission is prayer and computer work, serving my congregation and my ex-students.
Now, you understand why I have no money to donate.
May Our Merciful JESUS bless you with peace.
Sr. Maria Amelia
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America Needs Fatima
P.O. Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331
Email us: [email protected]