Mail box July to Dec 2023
Conversion Corner

Thousands recognize them from their strong street presence and thriving YouTube channel. Always on the front lines, TFP Student Action (TFPSA) defends moral values and tackles hot-button issues on the streets and on college campuses, where the truth is needed most. Better still, they record their captivating interactions with the public for you to watch. As of mid-April of 2023, their channel received 217,000 subscribers and 65,408,567 views. By the grace of God, many have come across the Fatima message by witnessing these young men either on the street or online through their videos.
Below, you will find comments from people who have been encouraged, inspired, or even converted by TFPSA.
“Dear TFP Student Action, I hope this note finds you well. I am a student at Fordham University in the Bronx, NY, and would love for you to come do a campaign at the school. Despite being a Jesuit university, the school is extremely woke, has a gay poster on the front of the church, and donates money to Planned Parenthood and advocates for abortion. I would love for you to come to the school.” - Marco B.
“Hello. I’m a young woman going through RCIA right now and I have watched your videos for a few years, and so I am grateful to see the work you have done because it has influenced my decision to become Catholic, for which I say thank you. What I am wondering is if there are any opportunities for me to show up to the rallies in the Portland, Oregon area. I don’t attend college or have any Catholic friends, so I would love to know if you have any established groups to join or any website to create a group. Thank you for your time and any information you can provide. God Bless.” - Skylar M.
“I was one of the Canadians to come down and support the pro-life March in Washington! I’m a proud supporter of the Campaign Life Coalition in Canada. It was an absolute honor to see the movement in America and it made me tear up to see the first march after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The pro-life presence in America is incredible. Please keep that fire alive and keep fighting for the rights of the unborn. If you have the time, please pray for Canada as we try to catch up in the battle. The state of Canada and the world terrifies me, and it’s easy to lose hope. But what happened in America last year is proof that things can change for the better with God’s grace. God bless America.” - M. Z.
“Hello TFP, I stumbled upon your YouTube channel. I was wondering if this is a school or organization? For I would like to attend here to be of service to God and his righteous ones. Currently, I’m in my third year of secondary school, so I’m facing lots of obstacles that inhibit me from being who I was made to be. I hope I can join your establishment in the near future to help others who are struggling as God interceded for me.” - Cesar G.
“Blessings to you all for defending our Faith. I feel so excited and blessed to know that I am not alone in the spiritual war. Keep up the good fight.” - Beatriz Z.
“So glad this organization exists. I donate to you monthly since you do so much great work that I have neither the means nor the courage to do.” - Joshua R.
“My brothers at TFP, God bless all that you guys do. I actually converted to Catholicism recently through a lot of your videos. Not only do you expose the heresy of this world, but you also actually preach a lot about Catholicism, which struck me a lot and is currently helping me in my journey through Catholicism. God bless you my brothers!” - (YouTube comment)
“Well as an agnostic all my life with doubts about God, I see clearly what the devil looks like. I’m all for free will and freedom of speech, and the more radical the left turns, the more people like me understand the concept of evil. Stay strong guys, I’m converting soon.” - (YouTube comment)

A Friend in Russia
“Hello! My name is Yuri Ryabokon. I am a producer with a weekly entertainment news program that is aired in Russia. Right now, we are preparing a story discussing an After School Satan Club in Pennsylvania, which has brought much controversy over there. How would you feel to comment on this? Please, join us!” - Y.R., Central Television Show, NTV
Dodger Stadium
“When I arrived [at the Dodgers protest] and saw your banner, I was star-struck. I’ve been following your mission and was so honored to be standing with you at this event. Respect. Keep fighting the good fight.” - A.B.
“Before I found out about that [blasphemous] group coming to the Dodger Stadium, I would have been mad at you because I am a big Dodgers fan. But now that I find out the Dodgers bowed down to public pressure, I lost a lot of respect for them, so I appreciate what you guys are doing. I’m not even Catholic. I’m a Christian, but you guys are very brave to do this!” - Katie

High Schoolers with High Ideals
“My name is Dominic. I live in New Jersey and am currently in high school.
“I have become increasingly engrossed by your movement and Christianity as a whole, up until the point where I now consider myself a Christian.
“In previous years, I had considered myself to be agnostic. However, I recently found that I share many of the same ideological beliefs with Christianity. As I witness more and more undesirable behavior in my surroundings, I feel my position has solidified.
“I truly appreciate your generous contributions to my thinking, as well as your boldness and dedication. I wish to be as virtuous and knowledgeable as I can be according to this religion. I am now eager to know: How should I better learn Catholic Christianity as someone quite new and how can I find more like-minded people to learn alongside?” - D.R.
“I’m writing from Ontario, Canada, a province known for its liberal values. Recently, I wore a shirt to school that read, ‘2 GENDER CLUB.’ I was informed that I needed to remove it because it was deemed ‘too political’ and potentially offensive. What confuses me about this is the apparent double standard at my school. On the same day I wore my shirt, a teacher wore a ‘trans lives matter’ shirt, and the school itself prominently displays pride and trans flags.
“I have decided to take a stand for what I believe in. I’m printing 100–200 shirts identical to the one I wore, adding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the back, emphasizing the right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. I expect some pushback from my school, but I am prepared to accept the consequences and have already been in contact with legal professionals.
“The plan is to peacefully protest by wearing these shirts on the last day of school. I would greatly appreciate it if your organization could show support in any way you deem appropriate.” - Q.B., Ontario, Canada
America Needs Fatima

“Robert, thank you for the Fatima rosary. I gave it to a Sister! I also received (and thank you for) the 2024 Fatima calendar, the photo and rose to go on The Little Flower’s tomb, etc. God bless you for always thinking about me! I will continue to pray diligently for each of you and for your Fatima apostolate on my knees before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I will not stop praying for your vital missionary work." - J. N., Vista, California
To order calendars, call Customer Service at: 888-317-5571
“America Needs Fatima is doing a great job. You do need help for the work you are doing, so I am pleased to be able to donate to this great need, and my prayers will help in the areas that money cannot. May this offering help you and help me, and may it assist in bringing Saint Michael the Archangel into the battle for America’s soul and spread his protection to more souls.” - C.V., Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania
“Rest assured, I am trying to send this [TFP petition] to others to sign. God bless you. You are the SAINT JOAN OF ARC OF TODAY’S TIMES. Praying for more crusaders and knights like you fighting for Our Lord God, Jesus, and Mary. - M.D.
“You guys are true disciples of God. While we sit at home doing nothing, you guys take it on the chin for God. Thank you. I pray for you and your safety during these difficult times. May Saint Michael lead you and protect you with the legions of angels around you.” - A.S.
“Mr. Ritchie, I believe all you write about our country: the good, the bad, and everything in between. The rosary is surely powerful, a most powerful tool, and Our Lady, the Blessed Mother, is all-powerful! I’m sorry I cannot join you as a Rosary Rally Captain, but along with my monetary support, I pledge to pray one hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament for the success of the Rosary Rallies!” - M. L., Marion, Iowa
“I will say the rosary and pray to Our Blessed Mother and St. Michael to fight Satanism and save American souls. God bless you and your staff!” - C. V., Pleasantville, New York
“I am keeping ANF and your members and volunteers in my prayers. People don’t realize how much courage it takes to publicly stand in opposition to the sick and Satanic grooming of our children, who are the future of America. I love praying for you all after daily Mass when we have group rosary in the chapel.” - M. O., Mobile, Alabama
Words of Thanks for Rosaries Received
“I am not Catholic, but in the last few years, have been drawn more and more to learning more about the Church. The White Purity rosary you sent me is beautiful!!! Now I need to learn how to use it in prayer. I am interested in learning more about the rosary as a prayer. I am the widow of the most wonderful man and I have no idea how I could have been so lucky! Please say extra prayers for him. His name was Robert Leland Brantley.” - F. A., Naples, Florida

“Yes, I received the rosary in good condition and thank you so much for giving me a beautiful reminder of Our Lady of Fatima. Let me also thank you in advance for the rosary book you’ll send in promised response to this! I am using the rosary with my family, and will do the same with the book when it arrives. I would like to share three more of these rosaries with my husband and two sons, could I impose on you for those? Thanks so much. Praying for continued blessings on such a beautiful and honorable apostolate! In Christ and Mary…” - J. D., Placentia, California
“Thank you for the beautiful Fatima rosary! I gifted it to my parish priest who was elated to receive it! May God richly bless you to continue the work for the message of the most obedient woman in the Bible: Mary, Most Holy.” - A. Z., Rochester, Pennsylvania
“Your Fatima rosary came at the perfect time. We had just learned that Michael, our precious grandson, died very suddenly and unexpectedly at age 20. The rosary Is now draped over his framed picture.” - G. L., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
“Thank you! Thank you! Perfect rosary! I’m glad that I can offer something even though it is a small amount. Please know, I’ve been praying the rosary every day! Thanks for the encouragement to do so and continue doing so!” - V. I., Indian Trail, North Carolina
“Thank you for the St. Michael rosary. I gave it to a man who made it through Hurricane Ian with his wife and son and even his house had no water inside. He had been a Catholic. I am hoping he will start practicing again, perhaps with the intercession of St. Michael? And his chaplet?” - H. O., Burnside, Kentucky
To receive a Free Rosary call Customer Service at: 888-317-5571
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America Needs Fatima
P.O. Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331
Email us: [email protected]