A Hostess’s Perspective
By Stacie Hiserman
“The Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima is visiting our area next month,” my husband informed me one day as he ended a phone call with Rose, a volunteer from America Needs Fatima. “Do you want to host her?”
Having fostered a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima for quite some time, it was with no hesitancy that we agreed to welcome her into our home for an evening. In our three and a half years of marriage, we have had a home blessing and consecration, but never the favor of a visitation from Our Lady. We invited our friends to join us for this special (perhaps once-in-a-lifetime) occasion.
On the evening of the visit, we were delighted to meet Mr. Celso Costa, a Fatima custodian residing in New Orleans. I admired his dedication to the cause of bringing Our Lady to the south over a period of decades. Within that last week, he had made the drive across state borders to visit ten different homes in our area. Ours was his last stop. “Do you always travel alone?” I inquired. “Not always—this time I travel with my guardian angel,” he responded affably.

Mr. Celso carried through our front door the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, a beautiful forty-eight-inch replica of the original Pilgrim Virgin statue designed by Sr. Lucia dos Santos, one of the Fatima seers. I arranged two simple bouquets of fresh flowers to adorn her altar. As our guests settled into their seats, the custodian removed an exquisite red velvet and gold crown from a wooden box. I was asked, as “queen of the house,” to crown the Queen of Heaven. What an honor!
All of this was proceeded by an edifying video presentation on Fatima and Mary’s urgent message of prayer, penance and conversion. The day of the visit was Monday, February 28, 2022. We could not help but ponder what a day it was to refresh ourselves on Our Lady’s warnings at Fatima, when just days earlier, Russia had launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church,” Mr. Celso reminded us of Our Lady’s words, “but in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” He told us of Our Lady’s often-overlooked promise during her first Fatima apparition: “Afterward, I will return here a seventh time.” It is a wonder that after her six apparitions to the shepherd children, Our Lady will make a future return to that very spot in Fatima, Portugal.
After the presentation, we prayed the Holy Rosary as a group and were given the opportunity to write down our intentions, which would be sent directly to Fatima. As we prayed, Our Lady’s presence commanded the room. Devotion shone in the eyes of even the youngest children present. Our toddler carried a rosary around the room and, once in a while, would stop, gaze at the statue and smile. “Isn’t she beautiful?” I whispered in his ear.
All agreed that the visit was an inspiration, especially to the young people present. After prayers, Mr. Celso presented an engaging video on TFP’s Call to Chivalry camps. “Do you want to be a knight of Our Lady?” he asked the young men. Yes, they nodded their heads.
Grateful for this occasion of grace, we closed the evening with a bottle of wine, other refreshments and spirited conversation.
So, would I recommend a Fatima home visit to my friends and family? In a heartbeat. One may never know of the graces waiting for them or their guests until they open their door, literally, to Our Lady.
Would you like to invite Our Lady into your home?
From Crusade Magazine: July / August 2022