Our Lady Protects a Fatima Visit Hostess
By Joseph G. Ferrara
At the close of a Fatima visit, our hostess said it was a miracle that she was able to have the visit that night. I asked what she meant, and she related to me a marvelous story of how Our Lady protects those who invoke her.
One morning, as our hostess drove carefully to work through a thick fog that diminished visibility, our hostess’ car ran into a large piece of plastic that stalled the engine. She immediately dialed 911 for assistance. However, two cars struck her car, which sent her spinning. As a third car came bearing down on her she exclaimed, “Oh God, don’t let this car hit me!”
When the police arrived and approached her car, they found our hostess unharmed. When they expressed their disbelief, she merely showed them the Miraculous Medal she always wears around her neck.
Our Lady is, above all, good to those who return her maternal solicitude with gratitude. I am certain our hostess was thus favored because she was devoted to Our Lady and she has tried to put into practice what Our Lady requested at Fatima.
If we wish to see the intervention of Our Lady in our lives and in the life of our nation we need only comply with her requests at Fatima and offer to God prayer, especially the Holy Rosary, penance and the amendment of our lives. After all, for those who love God, all things are possible and it behooves us to turn more than ever to Our Lady and confide in her power and great promise, “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
From Crusade Magazine: November / December 2009
Header Image: This demolished vehicle belonged to the hostess of the visit of our pilgrim statue.