Our Lady Goes Where She Wants
By Norman Fulkerson
America Needs Fatima custodians often say, in reference to the Pilgrim statues that they travel with, that Our Lady visits who she wants. This means that circumstances arrange themselves to provide a visit that would not have occurred otherwise. This is a clear sign that it was Our Lady who wanted to make things happen.
Such was the case at the home visit of Brent and Laura McGinnis in Charlotte, North Carolina. After the rosary Laura began to tell the story of her path to a closer union with Our Lady. It began over a year ago when the local bishop told the congregation that they should ask God for whatever they want. “I felt the need to be closer to Our Lady,” Laura admitted, “and asked her to make that possible.”
Some time later, Laura remembers a priest making a matter-of-fact statement that “after all, salvation began with the Hail Mary.” She had never heard it put that way and it got her thinking. Then one day her mother asked her if she had ever heard about America Needs Fatima. “They are such a wonderful organization,” she said. Laura had not, but all that was about to change when two days later she received a postcard informing her that the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima would be visiting the area.
Laura did not remember even being on the mailing list and says she would have thrown the card away if not for the favorable remarks her mother had made about America Needs Fatima. It was clear to me that Laura and her husband Brent were touched by the visit of Our Lady to their home. Both of them seemed to receive a grace to understand the importance of the Blessed Mother and the need to pray the rosary in these trying times. The series of seemingly fortuitous circumstances which provided a visit that might never have happened otherwise are yet another example of how Our Lady goes where she wants.
From Crusade Magazine: January / February 2013
Header Image: Mr. Norman Fulkerson has been serving Our Lady for twenty-nine years in the TFP.