Are You Scottish?
By Alexander McKay
For a few months, I had the pleasure of volunteering with America Needs Fatima as a Fatima Custodian. My Scottish accent never failed to raise a question about my origins, but since my goal was to talk about Our Lady and not Scotland, I would deflect that interest and explain why I felt the work of America Needs Fatima is important. Now that I have returned to Scotland, I would like to share three of those reasons.
The Fatima Story
Like all Fatima Custodians, I realized the vast majority of whom we visit know very little about Fatima. Of course, they would recognize Our Lady but only a handful knew of Our Lady’s request for prayer, sacrifice and amendment of life.
After asking more senior Fatima Custodians, I learned that as time passes, fewer and fewer Catholics know the basics of the Fatima story.
Praying the Rosary
Saint Louis de Montfort promised that “Never will anyone who says this Rosary every day be led astray.” At many visits, we have the joy of teaching people how to pray the Rosary and annually give out thousands of Rosary beginner booklets.
At Fatima, Our Lady requested all of us to say the Five First Saturday devotion and a Rosary daily. Again, it is extremely rare for Custodians to find people who habitually pray the Rosary, so one of main goals is to inspire them to do that.
Rekindling Devotion
Lastly, Fatima visits provided a way for hosts to expose their non-practicing or non-Catholic family members to the Faith. Many of these poor souls, who would never dare enter a Catholic Church, would not mind listening to a visitor to the house or observing the presentation.
As a 19-year-old, I could talk more freely with young adults about the peer pressures to give into sin, and encourage them to follow the straight and narrow. In this manner, Custodians visit over 3,000 homes annually.
We all know that we are only simple tools in Our Lady’s hands and all credit for any good we do goes to her. I pray and ask you to pray that Our Lady continues to use her faithful tools to reach more souls and especially those who are in most need.
From Crusade Magazine: July / August 2011
Header Image: The Young Author, Alexander McKay (far left) while at a Fatima visit.