A New “Grace” in El Paso
By Marc Lascelle
Something has changed in El Paso, Texas. There is a new “grace” in the wind.
Two years ago, scheduling Fatima visits was a slow task, and even then there were many cancellations. In contrast, the phone is ringing off the hook this year. The schedule is full and so are the visits, with many of these having more than thirty-five persons attending.
Such was a visit at the Silva’s house. Since El Paso is predominantly Hispanic, Our Lady’s statue was received warmly with many Spanish hymns. The altar was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and lace.

After the usual presentation of Our Lady of Fatima’s message, and the writing of intentions, we introduced a practice that was begun the day before at the Garcia’s house. The participants were invited to come forward one by one and were handed a candle which was lit by the Custodian. Each person then offered a silent prayer to the Blessed Mother and placed the candle at her feet.
This gave the room a hushed atmosphere reminding everyone of the seriousness of the moment. After the Rosary, participants again came up to Our Lady individually and blew out their candle. This practice added something special to the visit, and had the makings of a new tradition.
Needless to say, an abundant Hispanic repast and warm conviviality followed, and body and soul were satisfied.
From Crusade Magazine: July / August 2006
Header image: A full house greeted the visit of Our Lady of Fatima at the Silva home in El Paso.