The Uniqueness of the Each Fatima Visit
By Rex Teodosio
Rain or shine, ANF Fatima Custodians are always busy chauffeuring Our Lady from home to home. With over one million people in our database, we try to visit three homes a day to keep up with the demand.
Even though the numbers of people we meet are huge, each visit is always a unique experience. Such was the case with a family I visited in Central Illinois last winter.
There were several young children present, from five to nine years old, and several teenagers. Already, from the start, I knew the children were going to have a high interest in the presentation.
One nine-year-old actually parked himself at the very front, closest to Our Lady, to secure the best seat in the house. Despite being so young, much to my surprise, the children paid full attention during the whole one and a half hour presentation and later led a decade of the Rosary.
After the presentation, two of them drew a crayon picture of Our Lady commemorating the event. When we were leaving, two older boys thanked me warmly and asked questions.
At length, I received this letter from the family:
“Thank you for coming to our home with Our Lady’s statue and for the beautiful presentation! I really didn’t know what to expect from a visit such as this and we were all so moved! The message seemed to be renewed in our hearts as we all watched and listened. I can now see the importance of the home visits and how this can bring Our Lady’s message alive and personal to each of us. Your knowledge and willingness to share was an inspiration not often seen in the world today. May God bless you for this awesome and holy work that you do for His Church and Our Lady!”
This wonderful letter illustrates how custodians go to unknown families who welcome us to their homes solely on the expectation that Our Lady will bring them blessings. We, in turn, go into their homes full of confidence that Our Lady will do exactly that. We don’t have any doubt about the source of these blessings.
Our Lady does the bulk of the work and, as many of us custodians say, we are just the drivers.
From Crusade Magazine: March / April 2012
Header Image: The Author, Mr. Rex Teodosio who has been a Fatima custodian for sixteen years.