Our Lady's Miracle Child
Aria: 'Lion of God'
By John Da Costa
Jacinta Marto, the youngest seer at Fatima, said “Doctors do not know how to cure people properly, because they have not the love of God.”*
This was clear for Melanie Paduano in Pittsfield, Mass. She and her husband Robert were in anguish as they awaited the birth of their first child. A large cyst was discovered on her child’s neck, and the doctors believed it was unlikely the child would live. If she did there was a good possibility she would have Down syndrome. The doctors went so far as to suggest abortion.
It was for this reason the Paduano's contacted America Needs Fatima to request the visit of a traveling statue of Our Lady of Fatima to their home.
After arriving we were quickly ushered upstairs with the statue and found ourselves standing in a room decorated in feminine pink colors. It was here Melanie explained how she had already named their baby girl Aria. “It was a name,” she said “that popped into my head and I didn’t know what it meant.” She later discovered, in a dictionary, that it was Hebrew for “Lion of God.”

“How curious,” I said pointing to our lapel pin with the heraldic rampant lion, “that happens to be the symbol of our organization.” After taking a closer look to confirm, Melanie broke down in tears, seeing this as yet another sign of Divine intervention. We then prayed a Rosary in Aria’s room where the statue remained overnight.
Since the writing of this article Melanie gave birth to a baby that family members call a “miracle child.” Even the doctors were amazed that Aria survived since the umbilical cord was closed so tightly that Aria received almost no nourishment while in the womb. Although she has Down syndrome it is hardly noticeable.
Though many so-called doctors go on suggesting abortion for problematic pregnancies, Aria is proof that Our Lady continues to work miracles for those who believe.
From Crusade Magazine: May / June 2006
*Fr. John de Marchi, I.M.C., The True Story of Fatima (http://www.ewtn.com/library/MA... tsfatima.htm).